Back to the Sphere

Seeing as how I’ve spent pretty much the last week doing things OTHER than blogging, I suppose I’d probably better weigh in on the junk going on out there. Not that my opinion is all that important or even new, but I want to get some stuff off my chest.

The easily offended can scroll down and enjoy some light hearted music in the post below. The same goes for those who aren’t so easily offended but are asking themselves if they really want to click the ‘More’ button.

OK, so you’re here, which means that your sensibilities have some scabs on them, right?

Well, first off, I’ve ignored Casey Sheehan’s media whore of a mother and her debacle because, as you can see by me not even spelling her name, I refuse to give the bat-shit crazy broad an bandwidth here at the vaulted halls of RNS.

Mostly because she is unworthy of even my meager attention.

I just wish the idiot with the chain and pipe who knocked down the crosses had done so to her. Unfortunately for all of us, Casey Sheehan’s mother isn’t “Camping out� along side the ditch, she’s sleeping in a warm comfy bed with all of her fucking psych meds on the a pretty little nightstand at the “Crawford Freedom House� and wasn’t available for a midnight rundown by a 1-Ton GMC with flail attachment.

She chased her son away from her, TWICE, when he volunteered for military service and was sadly killed after volunteering for a rescue mission in Sadr City.

She now hates him so much that she is willing to use his corpse as a battering ram to try and dishonor his sacrifice and the sacrifice of every other service individual who has set foot in Iraq.

She also disrespects her family to the point that they cannot speak to one another. Her extended family disavows her actions and her husband has filed for divorce.

There are two things you do not disrespect: Family and the dead, and she is doing both.

Fuck her.

If Bush were any other person in the country, Sheehan would have been taken away as a stalker. If she were pro-WoT and was following John Kerry around demanding to talk to him about why he sold his fellow Vietnam service members out to the communists, again, she would be taken away as a stalker.

She hangs around and appreciates the support of people like Michael Moore, who sees the people who killed her son as ‘Like the Founding Fathers’ and hangs around with people like Lynne Stewart, who defended the actions of people exactly like the murderers of her son in US Court and was convicted of helping them while they were jailed.

Fuck her.

Next up, Pat Robertson.

Like the vast majority of people didn’t know that the guy is a wide-open shit-nozzle already. His words right after September 11th sealed the deal for me.

While I whole heartedly agree with Reverend Pat-ycake in that Chavez needs to die a horrible death by an assassin’s hand, you don’t go doing that while accepting money from the government (ie. Faith Based Initiative Funds). It looks really, really bad. Especially since I’m not a Christian and even I support that program and I really don’t like it when someone comes along and pisses in my Cheerios, so to speak.

If the left wants to make stupid people like him shut up about it, they should fight fire with fire and find one of their so called ‘leaders’ to say that the Robertson should be killed.

Hell, let’s get it on, I want weekly, no, daily death threats to be thrown back and forth among non-governmental public personalities.


Because sooner or later, one of them will kill someone and that’ll be one less annoying asshole I’m going to have to hear from. And then it’ll escalate.

It’ll be like gang warfare. Red vs Blues except with out the lame gang-banging music.

Of course, you probably think I’m joking. Ha-ha, no fucking way. I serious as a heart attack.

How serious, you ask?

I want the CIA to shut Zarqaui down by arresting and jailing every member of his family, whether by blood or by marriage. I don’t care if they are still wearing their turbans around their asses as diapers, every single one of them.

You question them until you find out who his favorite members are and then you kill them on webcam and send al-Jizz the link.

You want to see his support dwindle? Show the whole Islamotwerp world that he is so impotent that he cannot keep his own family safe, which means that he cannot keep anyone else he is safe and his supporters will find someone else to follow.

Hell, if you want, you can just kill one family member a day until he surrenders. Fine with me.

And then you do the same with the new guy. By the fourth or fifth ‘leader’ we’ll have to hunt the families down and drop smart bombs on their hide outs.

But hey, we can get video of that too.

I think a flock of Spectre gunships circling the hide out and firing and shooting video until the place is rubble would be a hell of a lot more dramatic (and probably cheaper), but hey, I’m old fashioned.

Let’s see, what other big news do we have, oh yeah, Able Danger.

Like we didn’t already know that the Commission’s report was nothing more than a ‘Blame Bush/CYA’ document anyway.

News Flash: They don’t care about you or what you think! They’re career politicians and government lackeys! You are shit to them!

Bah! It’s time for bed.

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2 Responses to Back to the Sphere

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Yowza! After that rant, I hope you had one of those Swedish foam beds to sleep on, as well as Swedish Masseuse to put you in the mood for sleep.

    I think Pat Robertson should run the CIA. No, seriously. He has enough executive talent, and his over-the-top Christianity would certainly smoke out the opposition.

    Cinder Sheehan is the very reason the “new peace movement” will never go anywhere. She vile, puerile and full of bile.

    Reds vs. Blues? Guns in the streets? Of course it’s in our future. Only thing left to decide is what sights would make for the best aiming?


  2. MikeG says:

    Sounds like you are finally recovering from the brutal beating you took on Sunday.

    I’m amazed you can even move your arms, let alone type.

    ……….Mr. Completely

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