Middle Eastern Europe Equivalent?

So I’m cruising the dKos site yesterday and come across this post, linking to an MSNBC/Newsweek article. In typical MSM fashion, the story is all doom and gloom and speaks in overly leading fashion, saying ‘Quagmire’.

Not to get too far off track here, but you really have to wonder about the sanity of the left when they bitch about the coverage of Iraq. This story is nearly the same as every other story coming out of Iraq, and it is exactly what the leftists believe is Iraq is all about, so why do they bitch about ‘The Real Story Isn’t Coming Out� all damn day and night?

But where were we? Oh yeah, quagmire.

Anyway, the guy is droning on and on about how bad the conditions in the 4 mile area he never left called the green zone were and about how mean and stupid the US soldiers are, but that it isn’t their fault because they are just pawns in the Administrations game, yada, yada, yada. Quagmire, quagmire, quagmire.

I re-read that part again and see this line,

Living and working in Iraq, it’s hard not to succumb to despair. At last count America has pumped at least $7 billion into reconstruction projects, with little to show for it but the hostility of ordinary Iraqis, who still have an 18 percent unemployment rate.

And I think this,

“Oh, so its just like modern-day Europe then. Nevermind.�


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