Mega Links Post

Once again, I have a horde of links that I have collected and need to get out of my media folder. Here we go!

To start, our men and women in uniform;


Mega MoFo Hoowa to you, SPC Campbell!

(Found at Blackfive)

Read these words and hit the links. Then save them in a folder because you’ll never see them in the MSM.




(Found by Raging Dave at 4RWW)

Now to the ladies;

Miss Karol of Alarming News and Raise the Black Flag with Karol and The Ace of Spades on the RightTalk Radio Network fame
has seen the soft green light and had added RNS to her blogroll.

Thanks Karol! As soon as I find where the hell my roll went, you’ll see that your there.

In world news;

The Australian, Douglas Wood, that was rescued from the jihadis in Iraq last week seems to have been able to keep his head on straight during his ordeal.

When he go back, his first requests were a beer and AR football scores. Good man!

I was also very happy to see Bob Geldof’s words on George Bush in TIME Magazine.

I never saw this link or the quote on any of the left wing blogs. I wonder why?

(Link found at Aaron’s CC)

And back to the USA;

There are 43 states who are banding together to try and push an internet sales tax through Congress. They have even created some type of software that they hope internet companies will voluntarily install and help these states track who needs to pay their tax.

Of course, if the internet companies don’t do this voluntarily, the band of tax-mad officials is ready to strong arm them by threatening audits of those companies while exempting those that do volunteer.

Nothing like a little old school mafiosa intimidation to go with your taxation, which is, remember, at the point of a gun.

(Found at Ravenwood’s Universe)

And lastly, we stop in London to talk about Hollywood.

This story about Tom Cruise getting squirted with water by a practical joker shows exactly what is wrong with Hollywood these days.

Dare I say, The Pussification of Hollywood? Yes, I do dare to say that.

Imagine this jackass squirting Kirk Douglas, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin, Clark Gable or anyone else from the golden age of cinema. He’d be taking donations for a set of dentures after getting out of the hospital.

(Link found at the FreeWillBlog)

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3 Responses to Mega Links Post

  1. Kyle says:

    I’m not sure that I agree. I saw the video and thought that he conducted himself in a very controlled manner. If he had flipped out either verbally or physically, he would have been handing the tool that squirted him in the face a great victory. Instead, he made the guy look like a complete fool.

    I have long held the “Tom Cruise sucks” conviction, but this time his conduct made quite an impression on me.

  2. AnalogKid says:

    (From Rivrdog who was having a TypeKey fubar)

    Regarding the “voluntary” sales tax:

    1. Might this tax violate the Commerce Clause? Seems to me that Internet shopping is
    Inter-state, and therefore a Federal Matter, so unless the Congress approves a bill
    allowing such taxation, and the President signs it, the “voluntary software” couldn’t be
    enabled and the money collected would have to be refunded upon demand.

    2. A guy like me, living in a non-sales-tax state as I do, could set up a sort of reverse
    E-Bay, and channel Internet shopping through it, and so the orders would be tax-free.

    Rivrdog, etc

  3. AnalogKid says:

    Also, Kyle, I’m not saying Cruise wasn’t a gentleman, but the fellas from the great days of Hollywood were gentlemen when the situation warranted.

    In a case like this, I think they would have marked the guy for future identification.

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