Good News / Bad News

The good news is that, according to the rangemaster at my local range, the phone there has been ringing quite steadily for the past two weeks asking if they were open on Father’s Day.

Hopefully this means that there will be a horde of fathers and sons at the range together today.

The bad news is that the will probably be a horde of fathers and sons at the range today. Also according to the rangemaster, they had to start a waiting list for shooting positions.

OK, so this isn’t really the bad news, but I was not able to get my second qualifier target in for Og the Neanderpundit’s Postal Matches yesterday so either I will have to go and follow the hordes or not send one in for half of the match.

I haven’t decided what I plan on doing as it is 0600 PST and it is very near my bed time.

Here is the actual bad news; when I went to shoot my match target for the high powered, scoped rifle match, I pulled the Boomershoot rifle out of retirement thinking it would make quick work of the task.

However, I forgot my zero booklet at home and had to rezero my rifle for 100 yds having not shot it in between Boomershoot and yesterday (yes, I know, BAD Analog Kid).

After Mollbot helped me get it rezeroed to the 100 yard line, I set about putting holes in the Postal Match target. Not in the right areas, mind you, but definitely in the target.

Word of note: If you get a chance ALWAYS RECHECK YOUR ZERO.

I shot a pitiful 20 out of a possible 90 points in the competition because I was pushing the rifle during zeroing, sending the bullets about an inch high. To me, it looked right on, but if I had the courage to show you my piss poor target, you’d see that a good number of my rounds impacted anywhere from half an inch to an inche low of the 1 inch circle targets, hence the pitiful score.

Mollbot then used the rifle to qualify for the match and shot 50 out of a possible 90 by holding just above the circle.

I then set about fixing my earlier zeroing idiocy and did this


You can see my last three misses in the top of that pic. In the center of the pic though, is a 5 shot group I pulled off barely trying.

(Stops to kick self in ass once again for being impatient during rezeroing)

Oh well, I am just figuring this as kharmic retribution for missing the first couple Postal Matches.

I will do better in the future.

Have a good Father’s Day, all you dads out there. Professor Booty should have already filed in with some suggestions for gifts from the spousal unit on this patriarchal holiday.

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