Durbin Needs To Resign

There are folks floating around the idea of censuring Richard ‘The Dick’ Durbin. It’ll never happen because the Democrat Party will wrap themselves around this hosehead, hoping that everyone will forget about this and accept his half-assed apology by 2008.

I re-listened to his half-assed apology and a couple things came to my mind; First off, he mentions that Colin Powell ‘agrees with him’, but he never cites any evidence of that. Also, he gave Powell his old title of Secretary of State. Now, I know that public officials get to keep their last official title out of courtesy and as a sign of respect, but with Condi doing all of the flying around now, I would think that he could have at least put a “Former� or a “Our Previous� in front of that.

Secondly, in his original contortion trick of putting his foot in his mouth while his head was in his ass, he mentioned Pol Pot, but he failed to mention America’s most recent holder and torturer of large quantities of POWs, a group that a large number of Americans would remember, the North Vietnamese.

Why did he mention them?

Because Durbin knew that McCain, even the half-shafter that he is, would have called him onto the carpet for that one and that he was full of shit and looking for shock value.

But oh well, it’s done. For now.

To tide us over though, we have the results of this poll,

The poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports found 36 percent of respondents believe the prisoners are being treated “better than they deserve,” while 34 percent said “about right.”

Just 20 percent of Americans polled believed detainees have been treated unfairly.

There were stark differences of opinion based on party affiliation with just 7 percent of Republicans saying Guantanomo prisoners are treated unfairly. Thirty percent of Democrats hold that view along with 22 percent of those not affiliated with either major party.

The Rasmussen poll found 14 percent agree that prisoner treatment at Gitmo is similar to Nazi tactics. Sixty-nine percent disagree with that comparison.

Hey leftists, Eat Me!

You can play your little games of making a non-Muslim touching the Koran without gloves into a war crime all you want, but the American public remembers what these people want to do to them even though you seem to have forgotten.


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