Good form Ms.Parker

But you didn’t nail the landing.

One of my pupils at the Royal Keister Academy of Fanny Dynamics, one of those hard body science schools, is Miss Parker.

Now, Ms. Parker is a wonderful student but she has, umm, episodes. Some of the staff call them “Flights of Fancy”, but I can’t really call what she does ‘flying’ per se.

You see, Ms. Parker believes she is the sister of one Peter Parker, the civilian name of the superhero “Spiderman”.

Ms. Parker will take off to go ‘stop evildoers’ in the middle of a class and it is getting quite disruptive, almost to the point where I am no longer going to humor her little episodes.

Why, just this last week she tried to come back to class after ‘fighting evildoers’.

(click for superhero size)

I wouldn’t have minded so much if she had just used the classroom door. As it was though, she scared the young ladies in the class almost to tears when she hit the window.

Poor Ms. Parker.

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