Gone Shooting

Today is the Blastorama de la Olympia. I’ll be joined by Headmistress SondraK at a local range and putting the smell of burnt gunpowder in the air.


If you are available, we’ll be at the City of Olympia Indoor Firing Range (6530 Martin Way, Lacey, WA) from noon to ?????

If you are not available, head on over to the Carnival of Cordite, hosted this week by Chris Byrne at The Archangel, where I actually have an entry in this week along with a dozen other bloggers who write about the topic of firearms and the Second Amendment.

Caution: There is large amounts of Gun Pr0n there. Probably SFW. Unlike Professor Booty’s post, with is only SFW if your employer is a pimp.

Have a good weekend.

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