
At the end of last week, the second shot across the bow of the First Amendment Rights of Bloggers was sent.

The first shot was sent over two weeks ago.

Now that they have everyone’s attention, I am glad to see that folks are doing something.

I especially like the Geek’s idea and artwork.


Stop on by the McCain-Feingold Insurrection site sometime today.

In the meantime bloggers, load your cannons and keep your barrels warm.

This is no time to slow down.

I would suggest you also read this message, written by Dale Amon of Belfast, No. Ireland at Samizdata;

Dear Sirs:

Should you attempt to overthrow the First Amendment on the internet, I will disobey.
I will not answer the court.
I refuse to pay fines.
I will organize civil disobedience against your Communist style election rules.
I will never, ever, submit to this attempt to destroy American liberty.

With utter enmity and ill will,
Dale Amon.

Live Free or Die.

Absolutely, Mr. Amon.

While some may say that with Mr. Amon being in another country, those aren’t strong words, fine then, say them yourself or quit blogging.

You can start by sending them here and here.

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