This May Be Interesting

You’re a public sector employee, and your position you are forced by the laws on the books to pay union dues even if you are not a union member.


Well, that is exactly what a group of California teachers are asking SCOTUS.

A group of public schoolteachers on Monday petitioned the Supreme Court to hear a challenge to laws allowing teachers unions to require dues from nonmembers who disagree with union positions and policies.

A decision in the teachers’ favor could change how public employee unions operate nationwide.

The lawsuit, first filed in April 2013, takes aim at the 300,000-member California Teachers Association and the affiliated National Education Association. The plaintiffs – 10 California teachers and the Christian Educators Association International – claim California’s “agency shop” law is unconstitutional and violates teachers’ First Amendment rights by forcing them to pay union dues regardless of whether they support or are a member of the union. Twenty-six states currently have such laws in place.

Justice Alito has signaled that he wants to talk about this, so I’m very interested. And you should be too.

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One Response to This May Be Interesting

  1. Rolf says:

    In Washington state, as a teacher they said it was a legal “representation fee” for the “collective bargaining process.” I didn’t have a choice but to pay. If I’m a union member they take the money and spend it on things I oppose, but if I’m a screw-up they’ll protect me. If I’m not a union member, they’ll take the money anyway, spend it on things I oppose anyway, and not protect me if someone comes after me because I honestly pointed out that their special snowflake isn’t.
    I think in any other industry it would be called “protection money.”

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