Protest for me, but not for thee

This was supposed to be a post last week, but life and stuff happened.

The leftosphere is up in arms that us peons who lost an Initiative vote might engage in some of that old fashioned civil disobedience.

Ammosexuals plan to be on the march in Olympia, Washington to protest. What are they protesting, you ask?

A law requiring background checks of gun buyers at gun shows and outlawing the transfer of guns from one party to the next. Thanks to the NRA and the Gun Owner’s Association of America along with all the Paulbots in the eastern part of the state, they’re absolutely certain that having to run background checks at gun shows will cause their guns to be taken away.

And so they plan to bring their guns and their bad selves to the state Capitol to openly trade guns within view of the state legislature. Not only that, but police don’t plan any arrests as a consequence.

Remember ladies and gentlemen: Riots and looting over a justified shooting by an armed citizen against a larger and stronger attcker is OK. Completely peaceful civil disobedience over being stripped of a civil right to exchange an inanimate object you are Constitutionally guaranteed to be allowed to own if you are a law abiding citizen,without have to pay for it, is the most horrible and evil thing to take place in the history of Democracy.

Their slogan for the day is: Respecting election results is only for Democrats. Ammosexuals are free to ignore any results they don’t like.

Every time you repeat that sentence in your head you lose an IQ point.

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