If he understood the real answer

His brain would leak out of his ears like shit.

Philip Howard Explains Why Washington Is Broken: It’s Run By Dead People

Philip K. Howard, founder of nonprofit Common Good, thinks that the American government is being run by dead people. And no, he is not talking about zombies. He’s referring to the maze of government regulations and laws, written by those long gone but still on the books, that are haunting and paralyzing Washington today.

Government gridlock is not merely a product of polarized leadership, Howard argued in an interview with The Huffington Post on Thursday. The problem is more systemic, rooted in outdated laws and special interest money that make change difficult, if not impossible.

First of all, yes, the things he listed do make things difficult, but that is not why “Washington is broken”.

Secondly, Washington isn’t broken. It is working exactly the way it was designed to. So that a majority party in the Executive and in the upper house of Congress cannot impose its will upon a minority in the lower house and the citizens of the nation in order to appease its distinctively extreme minority of a base.

Thirdly, if you read the rest of the post, his solutions are distinctly NOT solutions to the problem he names. While it may lessen confusion to compress 1000 regulations into a couple hundred, they would still be written in obtuse language that no one but a team of legal eagles would be able to decipher.

I have little doubt that even if what he proposes were set in motion, he would propmt himself to be a beneficiary in some way.

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One Response to If he understood the real answer

  1. Sulaco says:

    You say “gridlock” like its a bad thing! It’s the only thing keeping us from becoming the USSR in the bad old days….that will come in time of course.

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