I am missing the “hate” part of this

Someone in Portland, OR is going door-to-door and posting flyers. The police are calling these flyers “hate speech”, but I am having difficulty seeing the connection and am of a mind to believe that they simply do not like the sentiment within and are trumping up charges in the hopes of scaring the guy.

They read as follows:

Dear Reader of This Note,

There is an intersection between those people who vote and those people who receive public assistance. There are sixteen people in this neighborhood who vote and receive cash disability payments. The names of these people are being posted where they can be seen by taxpayers and the neighborhood can decide who is truly disabled. Benjamin Franklin said “When the people can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” Some of us in the neighborhood wish to save this democracy and to stand in the way of those who would destroy it.

Artemis of the Wildland

Do you see a “threat” in there?

Other than exposing who in these neighborhoods is taking some free money, I cannot see where any promise of action exists. Exposure is not violence, hence there is no threat of bodily harm, hence there is no “hate”.

At the most, exposure would simply lead to someone who disapproves notifying the proper authorities to investigate the individual’s disability claim. Sounds to me like a good way to get tips from the public about fraud.

But the local police are instead investigating this as a “hate crime”.

Here is the local news station’s report

Did the definition of hate change on me and I miss it?

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5 Responses to I am missing the “hate” part of this

  1. Merle says:

    Of course it changed – when the current administration took power.

  2. Rolf says:

    “If you see something, say something.”
    Double standard much?

  3. emdfl says:

    Of course it’s hate speech. It threatens to expose some of the thieves who make up the democrap base.

  4. tkdkerry says:

    No hate speech there that I can see. I will add, though, that while we need to rid ourselves of the cheats, these things can cause unnecessary rancor. There are very real disabilities that are not apparent to casual observation.

  5. Rivrdog says:

    “Hate Speech” took the place of Treason. We are supposed to get really angry about Hate Speech, just like we used to get angry about Treason. Now, the Government commits Treason every day, so we are supposed to over look that.

    Trouble is, “Hate Speech” is not in the Constitution, and Treason is. Pesky thing, that Constitution…

    I live right next to the offending citeh of Stumptown. They are so far up their own hoohoo there that the local transit district’s recent audit, showing the outfit to be in worse fiscal shape than Detroit, brings little to no discussion, but the po-leese are forced to “investigate” this case of pamphleteering as hate speech and it makes the lead story. I have news for them. When they catch the guy and toss him in the clink, he will immediately sue for violation of his First Amendment rights, and collect BIG bucks in Feddle Court, which DOES protect those rights aggressively here. The rozzers will try to stick him with a couple hundred cases of trespass, and add up the bail for that to keep him in the clink, but that won’t fly, either: Portland got rid of it’s Green River ordinances years ago and advertising by pamphlet is done on a daily basis. Some of the places he put pamphlets might try to sue him civilly, but, no harm, no foul and those won’t come to trial for years, anyway.

    Basically, Artemis of the Wildland is a clever dude who is in the act of pricking a lot of liberal hot-air baloons with his saber of wit.

    Oh, tkdkerry, anyone who is really disabled, such as my wife, does not hide from the fact, but it is ALSO a fact that there is widespread fraud in SSI disability claims. Maybe more than widespread, maybe even pervasive. How about those who willingly got drug-addicted and collect hundreds of dollars every month from the Social Security that I paid over a quarter-million into over 47 years? They’re leeches, for sure.

    We haven’t seen the Final Reveal from Artemis. My guess is, that when he reveals his purpose and organization, some liberals will run and hide. He’s also not yet asked for support, but I’d also be willing to bet that plenty will be forthcoming for him when he does. There’s a little Artemis in most of us.

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