h/t Linoge, who also has your QOTD:
Government is the grey goo science fiction has been warning us about.
The scarier thing is our Founding Fathers knew it.
h/t Linoge, who also has your QOTD:
Government is the grey goo science fiction has been warning us about.
The scarier thing is our Founding Fathers knew it.
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I was starting to wonder if that observation went over most of my readership’s head…
The scary thing is I wrote it months ago; far before the recent NSA fiasco.
You could, in theory, repurpose gray goo if you could transmit some sort of reprogramming instruction.
Not so sure you can do that with government.
Well there’s always chain gangs, Toastrider. Or Lunar prison colonies. Though I hear the Moon is a harsh mistress…