This era, in particular.
Phil Reads
Enjoy the Decline
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The offense that got Mandela put away was an act of sabotage that caused several fatalities. He and his co-defendant boasted openly of the murders and promised to commit more. And this is the supposed patron saint of inter-racial peace? I’ll pass.
Yeah, no one talks about the ANC’s militant wing Umkhonto we Sizwe / Spear of the Nation. Black militancy is bad for business, bad for the historical spin. The (black) civil rights movement must be….well, black and white, with the blacks being all good and peaceful, and the white folks being all bad with guns. Can’t have any Reds in the story at all.
$10 bets you Fidel’s secretly proceeded his friend Nelson.
It’s gonna be a lot of work to get his epitaph changed from “Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Laureate” to “Nelson Mandela, Marxist revolutionary”
It might be a lot of work, rivrdog, but it would be worth it.
I guess I’m not a very good Christian as I intend to celebrate those passings.
I’m sure the Left and Academia would love to see, “Nelson Mandela, Marxist Revolutionary†– besides, they already have “Barak Obama Nobel Peace Laureate Authorized-Killer” to celebrate.