My Wookie Suit is Feelin’ Mighty Comfy

They’ve been fooling around with this “Libertarian Purity Test” over at the AoSHQ again.

I remember my last score was in the low-to-mid 80’s. Apparently, blogging for over a decade has made me more hardcore, since I scored 90 this time around.

Your turn.

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6 Responses to My Wookie Suit is Feelin’ Mighty Comfy

  1. 31-50 points: Your libertarian credentials are obvious. Doubtlessly you will become more extreme as time goes on.

    I guess I need to grow into my Wookie suit… and here I thought I was hardcore.

  2. Eric Wilner says:

    I scored a 54… mainly because so many of the questions were put as absolutes, with yes-or-no answers, and I was only in the “mostly agree” column. With slightly more nuance, I’d be well into the 90s at least.
    (As in: some of the mentioned categories of laws and regulations shouldn’t exactly be abolished, just radically reduced, or eradicated root and branch and replaced by something that accomplishes the ostensible purpose with far less trouble and expense. In the case of anti-trust laws, for example, the laws we have actually serve the oligopolists, and always have; I figure anti-trust laws that actually did what they say on the tin would be a good thing, if they could really be used to prevent large private concerns acquiring the sort of vast centralized power we don’t want the government to have.)

  3. Ragin' Dave says:

    66. Still a small “l” libertarian.

  4. Davidwhitewolf says:

    101. Wife scored in the fifties.

    Not to worry. Indoctrinating family members through forced reeducation is okay as long as it’s libertarian doctrine, right?

  5. Phil says:

    Umm, no.

    But worry not. She is intelligent enough to get there on her own. Time, my good man.

  6. Kevin Baker says:

    Sixty-three. Seems about right.

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