The Problem Will Solve Itself

I’m not going to admit that I’m one of the many on our side of the aisle who’ve just given up on America following Tuesday, but the following has been running through my mind for the last few days.

Note the usual vote breakdown: the vast swath of red counties outvoted by the islands of blue — the urban centers, the cities.

So, let’s see. Those city-dwellers keep voting for the hacks who are going to let more and more countries that happen to be governed by militant Islam develop city-busting nuclear weapons. (Iran would be number two,remember?) Countries where, by definition, it’ll be easier for terrorists to get their hands on the stuff. Terrorists that have already got access to nuke shipping containers that radiation detectors can’t penetrate.

Anybody else see how this problem solves itself?

Boy, I’m in a cranky mood.

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5 Responses to The Problem Will Solve Itself

  1. emdfl says:

    Personally., I’m rootin’ for the Iranians…

  2. Gerry N. says:

    Thing is, I’m in the middle of the East shore of Puget Sound. If such a thing were to happen here, I’m scrood. Really, really, scrood.

    Gerry N.

  3. Windy Wilson says:

    Yes, I agree with you, except I’d have to give up on family and being a mole here in this blue state surrounded by all the Reds who live her, so I hope things hold together with the resilience America is noted for for a bit longer at least.

  4. dustydog says:

    My prediction:
    Republicans won’t win the Presidency until violent crime becomes the #1 concern.
    As Obama works to destroy the economy, and the socialists push their agenda, poverty will spread and violent crime will increase.

    My hope is that Republicans will elect good conservative mayors and governors to protect the Red states and Red counties. The best case scenario is that violent crime will stay in the blue urban no-gun areas, and the wurm will turn with a minimum of human suffering.

  5. John Berkowitz says:

    I think this is an appropriate connection you have made here. It is so true that we are stepping back from the leader´s position into a shadow of liberal non-sense. This is particularly sad when you realize this country is no longer what it used to be. Maybe this was the reason for many US citizens immigrating to Canada. I hope predictions about spreading the violent crime will not come true in the next four years. But with the culture of violence which exists here, it is quite difficult to really do something about it when you are a president. Good education is what needs to be done within every family. Not from outside.

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