I’ve always been loath to convert my Garands to .308, but the temptation of, say, sending ’em to Shuff’s for a Mini-G conversion that takes M-14 magazines has always been in the back of my mind.
No more. Mini-Gs are expensive. This is free:
20 rounds of .30-06 firepower; I like it.
UPDATE: Found another one:
Yeah, yeah, collector value, blah blah. Look, I have a Garand in original condition, and another one somebody turned into a “Tanker.” I’m currently jonesing over a beater Garand at the local gunshop that somebody stuck into a black plastic stock, and if I do this mod it’ll be to that one or one like it.
As Kenneth Branagh’s Victor Frankenstein said about bodies, “they’re just raw materials.”
…or, you could spend the bucks on a Springfield M1A, still have a JC Garand design, and have plenty of ammo availability to go with your 20-round magazines. Or not…are they legal in Kali?
M1As are indeed Kali-legal; I own a SOCOM II myself and am thinking about one for the wife. And yes, I’d rather get a new M1A .308 rifle than spend that much to butcher a Garand.
What’s enticing about the above mods is I can end up with a mag-fed Garand for $0 other than the cost of the rifle.