Can you tell someone to go to a place they don’t believe exists?

While the RNS crew was off Boomershooting, a large gathering of atheists took place in Melbourne, AU.

None of which would be particularly interesting except for the fact that some locals of the Islam-believing persuasion decided it would be a good idea to go protest outside of said gathering and chant offensive slogans at the atheists.

The atheists, not feeling particularly whiny that day, decided they wanted to chant as well and headed outside to confront the horde. Hilarity ensued.

I particularly enjoyed the singing of Monty Python songs.

Found via CCinZ

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4 Responses to Can you tell someone to go to a place they don’t believe exists?

  1. Windy Wilson says:

    Good one. Thanks for posting.
    In high school a friend told me of an encounter on the street he and his girlfriend had with a “Jesus freak”, or untrained lay amateur street preacher.
    It ended with the untrained lay amateur street preacher telling my friend and his girlfriend, “it’s a sure way to Hell.” Just as the signal changed, his girlfriend replied, “see you there.”
    Untrained amateur street preachers expression was said to be priceless.

  2. Windy Wilson says:

    Oh, and “where are the women” was a nice touch.
    I think that was originally from one of the Cannonball Run movies.

  3. Ted says:

    Oh man, that was funny!

    ZZ Top! ZZ Top! ZZ Top!

  4. Windy Wilson says:

    On a serious note, I wonder if any of these atheists realized that the locals of the Islam-believing persuasion would, if they had the power, require them to publically pray 5 times a day and attend Mosque services (or whatever they call them) on Fridays, regardless of actual belief, so their leftist policies that have excessive concern for the feelings of Muslims but not for Christians are counterproductive for declared atheists, in a big way.

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