Again, have a seat

You won’t need a beverage for this one.

Now, gentlemen, spread your knees as far apart as you can. Then, make a fist with your strong hand.

Next, swing that freshly made fist straight into your crotch.

You have just demonstrated what the Republican Party has been doing to itself, first in Iowa and now in New Hampshire.

Conservatives Versus Capitalism

The last two presidential election cycles have revealed a stinking hypocrisy in conservatives: They profess their love of capitalism and entrepreneurship, but when offered a real capitalist and entrepreneur, they go, “Eek, a mouse!” And they tear him down in proud social-democrat fashion. In the off season, they sound like Friedrich Hayek. When the game is on, they sound like Huey Long, Bella Abzug, or Bob Shrum.

Last time around, Mike Huckabee said Romney “looks like the guy who laid you off.” Conservatives reacted like this was the greatest mot since Voltaire or something.


Phil Gramm once explained to Bill Buckley why he never talked about free trade on the stump — he, a professor of economics and a free-marketeer: It wasn’t worth the trouble. “Free trade benefits almost everybody,” said Gramm. “But they don’t know who they are. Free trade hurts a few, and they all know who they are.”

Over and over, Romney defends and explains capitalism. And he’s supposed to be the RINO and squish in the race? That’s what I read in the conservative blogosphere, every day. What do you have to do to be a “real conservative”? Speak bad English and belch?

In the Saturday debate, Santorum knocked Romney for being just a “manager,” just a “CEO,” not fit to be president and commander-in-chief. This was odd for a couple of reasons: First, Romney did have a term as governor of Massachusetts (meaning he has executive political experience, unlike Santorum). And second: Since when do conservative Republicans denigrate private-sector experience?

About 800 times, Newt Gingrich told us to read a particular newspaper, to see what a capitalist meanie Romney was. What was the newspaper? The New York Times, of course. There’s a great slogan for our conservative visionary: “Read the New York Times!”

The guy has a point, and it’s not on the top of his head.

I’m no Romney fan, but great googly-moogly, do any of the other candidates have the slightest idea how much they sound like folks on the dKos right about now?

And would somebody on that side of the country stick a pair of bumper nuts in Huntsman’s mouth and shut him the fuck up. I want someone in the Executive Office who likes to fire people. For fuck’s sake, pink slips for 10% of the federal workforce sounds like a good first month to me.

And if you don’t think that after the words left his mouth that that was one of the first thoughts that ran through the shallow minds of federal desk jockeys across the country, causing them to have to take a break so they could change their shorts, then you haven’t been paying attention.

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5 Responses to Again, have a seat

  1. emdfl says:

    Get back to me when you can cover for his people going up to DC and helping to create obamacare. What the NE branch of the stupid party hasn’t figured out yet is that selling Nelson Rockerfeller to a whole lot of us who don’t live in that part of the country ain’t going to happen this time. In the Iowa primary something like 70% who voted for ABR(ANYBODY but Romney). And I can pretty much guarantee that a whole lot of those will NOT be voting for him come next year.

  2. Defending capitalism after the Bush Bank Bailouts and after 0bama’s Solaria “green shoots” is just defending Crony Capitalism.

    “Free Trade” would have dropped the subsidy for corn, dropped the import quota for sugar, dropped the import duties for ethanol, dropped the import quotas for peanuts, allowed me to import a Russian Dragonov SVD all by myself – shipped to my own doorstep, and allowed me to freely shop and import any used car available for sale in Canada. Anything less is Crony Capitalism, special subset of “free trade” to benefit those corporations with the best lobbyists.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for free markets and free trade, except I’m looking for freedom for everyone.

  3. me says:

    Ask Massachusetts gun owners and taxpayers how Romney treated them.

    I am a conservative, not a Republican. I voted twice for Perot and make no apologies for it. If this means the Kenyan gets four more years to implement the destruction of Western Civilization, so be it. If this means Obama implements comprehensive amnesty to create thirty million Instant Democrats, well, Romney plans the same thing, only he thinks some of them might vote Republican if he gives them fat enough welfare checks.

    If the Republicans want my vote, they know where to find me. If they can’t do any better than Romney, I will stay home on Election Day and clean my guns–again.

  4. Bill says:

    And staying home guarantees that you will get exactly what you deserve.

    Not voting for whoever the Stupid Party runs will guarantee NO VOICE when they decide what path the country will take to damnation.

    People who refuse to vote are even more ridiculous than those who vote for Obama, because it means you have QUIT!

    At least those voting for Obama think that they are trying to improve things, not voting means you don’t even want to try to start!

  5. Rivrdog says:

    I was a Perry fanboy, then “cottoned” to Cain, but both are hopeless. I’m assessing my stock of nose-clamps for Election Day, but can ANY of you Romnoids tell me just where I find re-assuring words that will make me believe Romney WON’T sign AWB2 or worse if he’s elected, but the House reverts to (D)onk and the Senate stays (D)onk? BTW, that’s a realistic possibility, since the careful obstructionism of Boehner hasn’t gone over well, and Reid has toned down his shit, and the electorate splitting power is the rule, not the exception of American realpolitik.

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