
Please remove all throw-able objects from your immediate reach.

This video represents all the ideas which are wrong in the confines of what we know as our current administration. Do be warned, it is Michael Moore interviewing Chris Hedges. You will much leftist trope and things which will make you question the location of “reality” of both these individuals.

You really should watch this in order to be sure of where the current crop of leftists are coming from and get ready to answer their ideas. Calling them “crazy”, as I did above, does not win the argument.

As a palate cleanser, I offer this excellent video from Bill Whittle’s Firewall

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3 Responses to Warning!

  1. MichigammeDave says:

    Just finished watching the Hedges and Moore video.
    In connection with my duties as a senior NCO in the world’s most modern nuclear Navy, I had occasion to write many performance evaluations on enlisted sailors. In those evaluations, I was able to exercise both my subject matter expertise and my command of the English language.
    All that experience notwithstanding, I had never found occasion to use the description “jaw-dropping naivete, combined with sophomoric smugness, wrapped in a veneer of moral superiority.”
    Thank you for the opportunity.

  2. Bram says:

    I love Bill Whittle and refuse to click on your Michael Moore link. While I welcome honest debate with the opposition, Michael Moore doesn’t.

  3. dfwmtx says:

    Every time some watermelon mentions capitalism exploiting the enviroment, they leave our socialism/communism’s exploitation and damage to the enviroment. IIRC, the Soviet Union was the only country which actually built projects using nuclear bombs in the demolition/land-clearing process (twice, IIRC). The United States tested the concept only once. And then there’s the Tsar bomb, biggest nuclear detonation in history. And while we’re on the subject of nuclear things, let’s not forget that Chernoybil was under the Soviet rule and still contaminates Europe to this day, whereas 3 Mile Island has been shrugged off.
    “Oh, but those aren’t real socialist countries, they’re totalitarian dictatorships.” Well, let’s look at where those socialist countries in northern Europe get their money: oil exploration and drilling in the North Sea. Yep, raping Mother Gaia again, and for oil no less (and in mixed market economics). And back to nukes, France’s energy supply is mostly nuclear. It’s fleet of nuclear -powered aircraft carriers also has a track record of being unsafe, whereas the US Navy’s, very safe. Let’s not forget that the French
    And please, socialism’s historical track record exploits the workers far more than 20th century capitalisms. Slave labor in gulags and lagolois, Pol Pot’s emptying of the cities and suddenly turning everyone into farmers, Castro’s exproprition of private property.
    All glossed over to provide their ammunition for their ideological class war.

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