Take the money and run!

That is exactly what happened in Oregon in 2010.

Oregon raised its income tax on the richest 2% of its residents last year to fix its budget hole, but now the state treasury admits it collected nearly one-third less revenue than the bean counters projected.

In 2009 the state legislature raised the tax rate to 10.8% on joint-filer income of between $250,000 and $500,000, and to 11% on income above $500,000. Only New York City’s rate is higher. Oregon’s liberal voters ratified the tax increase on individuals and another on businesses in January of this year, no doubt feeling good about their “shared sacrifice.”

Congratulations. Instead of $180 million collected last year from the new tax, the state received $130 million.

One reason revenues are so low is that about one-quarter of the rich tax filers seem to have gone missing. The state expected 38,000 Oregonians to pay the higher tax, but only 28,000 did. Funny how that always happens. These numbers are in line with a Cascade Policy Institute study, based on interstate migration patterns, predicting that the tax surcharge would lead to 80,000 fewer wealthy tax filers in Oregon over the next decade.

Most of them probably moved right across the Columbia River to Washington State, which thankfully roundly defeated a Citizen’s Initiative last month that would have installed an income tax upon “the wealthy” in this state.

Oregon should feel lucky, as the TaxProf points out, that when ever so blueish-purple Maryland passed its tax hike on the “the rich”, they lost a third of their high earners.

On a side note, want to know what all of the states who have grown the fastest according to the latest census number have in common?

Yep….No state income taxes.

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4 Responses to Take the money and run!

  1. BobG says:

    I guess they never heard of the Laffer curve.

  2. AM says:

    You know when Rush was talking about “Trickle Down Economics” the Dems were telling people “trickle down economics is like getting peed on”.

    Who’s laffing now biaches?

  3. Bram says:

    Reminds me of all the Nevada plates I used to see in our neighborhood when we lived in CA.

  4. Fiftycal says:

    What? You mean that doing the same thing over and over WON’T get the same results? Damm. I think we need to commission a STUDY!

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