Video Games & Crime Rates

Interesting Thesis: (RTWT)

Second – what about video games? This thought just struck me today – but looking at these charts, crime has been steadily decreasing since 1990 – about the time when video games were going mainstream and video game consoles were becoming affordable for most Americans. Video game sales have increased steadily during this time period as well. You could draw a line in the very opposite direction as the lines in these charts, for instance, charting video game sales between 1990 and 2008:

If anything, the fact that crime has been dropping for the past twenty years (along with things like teen pregnancy, etc. as I noted above) while more and more young people consume more and more video games should put a lie to the notion that video games actually increase crime and violence.

People in this country really do like to ascribe evil to things (guns, video games, etc.) instead of people.  It’s wierd.  Anyway, the part that is truth:

One of the functions of stories and games is to help children rehearse for what they’ll be in later life. Anthropologists and psychologists who study play, however, have shown that there are many other functions as well—one of which is to enable children to pretend to be just what they know they’ll never be. Exploring, in a safe and controlled context, what is impossible or too dangerous or forbidden to them is a crucial tool in accepting the limits of reality. Playing with rage is a valuable way to reduce its power. Being evil and destructive in imagination is a vital compensation for the wildness we all have to surrender on our way to being good people.

Yep.  I think the same can be said for training, part of it is play, a chance to experiment with situations, and reality.  Something to keep in mind the next time someone looks at you funny while you train yourself to clear a holster, or whatnot.

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8 Responses to Video Games & Crime Rates

  1. Brenda Helverson says:

    Still here, still baying at the moon, and still making no sense at all. You are the garbage that you haul.

  2. Toastrider says:

    Got me. Maybe you offended her with your logical thinking?

  3. Madrocketscientist says:

    I feel like there is some kind of argument she wants to make here, but for the life of me, I have no idea what it is. Hopefully she’ll come back and elaborate, if only to satisfy my curiosity.

  4. Mollbot says:

    I’m going to have to disagree with you slightly, MRS.

    She *doesn’t* have an argument, she just has anger and bitterness, and she let them spill over into a nonsensical post. One presumes that whatever she’s angry at is related to rockets, nuclear strikes, or possibly cheese. That last one is a stretch, I’ll admit.

    Had she an argument, she’d have made it.

  5. MadRocketScientist says:

    Very true, who could possibly be angry with tummy, delicious cheese.

  6. JTW says:

    hmm, can think of some “people”.
    It comes from animals, it “causes obesity”, etc. etc..
    Can always find an idiot who’s angry at anything good.

  7. Mollbot says:

    Me, I’m angry at wasabi. Man, I hate that stuff.

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