QuikClot vs. Celox?

FerFal’s been on a roll with some good posts in recent days. Today he’s got a long one about QuikClot, including a link to this video (warning: graphic).

Some years ago I bought several QuikClot packs for home and car and the trauma kit in my get-me-home bag. They’re hitting their “Use By” dates and I need to replace them (they’re the old style that caused the exothermic reaction anyway, so they need to go). I’ve thought about switching to the CavArms Personal Trauma Kits sold by Dillon — they use Celox. However, the newer QuikClot supposedly doesn’t have the exothermic 2nd-degree-burn-in-the-wound problem.


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3 Responses to QuikClot vs. Celox?

  1. Pop N Fresh says:

    they also have injectable celox for knife wound/punctures
    don’t know how long it’s been since you made a purchase but the blow-out kits are now fda regulated and not sold to the general public (because they are classified as internal use) unlike the “oops I scrapped my knee” powder packs they sell and the “oh no a nose bleed” 5 packs

    gonna need a celox certified or medical person to order them for you or find a sight that doesn’t ask questions

  2. brian says:

    My opinion is that the quick clot is only slightly- very slightly better than gauze for controlling bleeding. The most important factor is technique. Get immediate pressure on the bleeder, then get a wad of gauze on the bleed site and continue pressure for at least five minutes, and, depending on the bleed site,wrap some ace wrap around the limb for continued pressure. This is dependant on the wound site. In my opinion, kerlex or roller gauze is more than sufficient to control damn near all bleeding, but yo have to know how to apply it.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Winmag says:

    Brian is right. You have to have direct preasure on the bleeding site first and last. Hemostatic agents are helpfull, but only make the difference in a small percentage of cases.

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