Political Incompetence in the White House

If there is one thing the Obama Administration could do that would end up handing control of both houses of Congress to the Republicans, this was it.
Running a winning presidential campaign is tough, and sort of self-selecting: if you can win, presumably you and the people around you are capable of imposing order on the vast federal bureaucracy as well (which, at this point, constitutes governing). That nobody in the White House saw fit to stop EPA from trying TO BAN AMMUNITION, of all things, (or to stop CBD from filing the petition in the first place) speaks volumes to the actual incompetence wandering those halls. At least force EPA to delay consideration of it until after the election? Anybody? Bueller?

Really, you thought there was a wave of energized folks voting R, well, there are still lots more who won’t get off their asses even in November 2010 — but this just might get even them out to vote.

I mean, how beautiful a misstep can this be? The lead-ammo ban proposal is locked into the regulatory process, so I doubt the Administration can stop it with a phone call at this point. The Stupid Party should be riding this one into the ground as hard as possible and putting it away wet; all candidates taking R money should be required to spout a line at every appearance about how “Obama is using EPA to ban ammunition! It’s happening right now as I speak!” every day until the comment period ends — which just so happens to be the week before Election Day.

This entry was posted in Have Gun, Will Travel, The Government is Not Your Friend, Too Stupid to Live. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Political Incompetence in the White House

  1. Rolf says:

    I’ve always thought that the Rs were the Stupid Party, and the Ds were the Evil Party. I guess the two are not mutually exclusive. (Well, I’ve always know this, but I rarely see it displayed so prominently). This is going to be a fun election to watch, or agonizing, depending on your preferences. Maybe it’s time to order another few thousand rounds of something. More popcorn, MORE POPCORN!

  2. BadIdeaGuy says:

    It almost makes you wonder if they’re trying to throw the Congress back to the GOP expecting a collapse. But I don’t think they’re that smart.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    The law will have to wait for a formal repeal, but until then, it will be the most widely ignored law on the Federal books.

  4. Mollbot says:

    Ah but it won’t be a law, will it? I will be a regulation, one which I’m sure all armed federal agencies (that’s ALL of them now, right?) will be exempt from.

  5. DirtCrashr says:

    They got to try every wet-dream they can before it all dries up.

  6. Jim says:

    I have neary a ton of lead on hand, a propane buner from a turkey fryer, more than one set of molds, and an attitude.

    Bet I’m not the only one who is similarly equipped?

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  7. Rivrdog says:

    Have .357 mold, all the equipment, and about 7 old RV batteries on hand….

  8. Firehand says:

    Be REAL careful melting those plates down.

    And no, Jim you’re not. Not a’tall.

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