Well, that was interesting

It seems I ruffled a few feathers the past couple days by mixing the discussion of politics with religion.

Quick point: The Religious Right was is not called as such because they are religious and on the right side of the political aisle. They are called that because they will vote their religion over every other policy point.

If you wouldn’t vote in that manner, then count yourself out and don’t go think I’m bagging on you or your religion. I’m only pointing out that some deeply religious folks (not just Christians) need to think about something else besides their afterlife before they vote and that they need to step at least 10 feet away from their preferred holy book before doing so.

An even quicker point is below the fold…


I would also add that you shouldn’t let a politician anywhere near it, lest it become diseased.

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6 Responses to Well, that was interesting

  1. Groundhog says:

    Maybe the feathers were ruffled because of the total lack of respect you show “religion” in this and the original post? Just a thought…

  2. Rick O'Shea says:

    “Never try to change a man’a opinion of politics,religion or red headed women”

    Peter Hathaway Capstick

    Just Say’n

  3. Gerry N. says:

    Shove it down your children’s throats?

    So is that what you would try to do thus you think everyone does that? This sounds to me like projecting.

    I suppose by raising my kids to love Jesus and pray for God’s help I’m “Shoving it down their throats”?

    Gerry N.

  4. MadRocketScientist says:

    My parents exposed me to religion, quite a few of them, actually, but never insisted that I follow any and allowed me to find my own spiritual way, and I really appreciate them for it. I’ve had friends whose parents were extremely vocal and forceful with regard to religion, and their kids were the more than happy to run far and fast from mom & dads faith once they hit 18.

    Many forget that a person has to come to religion, they can’t be forced into it.

  5. Texican says:

    Seems like someone has a problem with religious folks and especially with religious folks voting….

    get over it….

    we will vote as we see fit regardless of what you think believe or preach about…

    i love these self righteous individuals that forget that America was formed by Christians seeking a new land to honor God as they wished….

    this is still a Christian nation and as along as it stays a Christian nation we will stay free….


  6. Phil says:

    You’re wrong three times in that comment, but as I explained above, you’re free to believe what you wish.

    On a side note, you sound as though you’d no difficulty casting a vote for forced religion. FYI: You had better kill me first before you vote to force me to believe in anything I don’t want to. I don’t take kindly to being told what to do and my nihilism gives me no qualms in escalation when I find I have to fight back.

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