Lazy Blogging

I was about to post on the Utah Non-Resident Concealed Firearm Permit class I took yesterday afternoon when I saw the trackback to this Liberty News post (LN was there, as was D.W. Drang and Mrs. Drang).

To cut to the point, I can’t top LN’s post and I can’t get my pics to load. So hit those links, then go to Shawn Mahood’s blog and check out his schedule for future classes.

One thing I do want to say: Worth every penny.

Even when you’re me: The guy in class who was harangued by a fellow class member for arguing not to shoot the guy swinging a cro-bar at your vehicle.

(I’ve got a 1-ton and a Jeep. Which ever one I’m in is going to end up on the son-of-a-bitch’s chest while I stay in my vehicle where he can’t whack me with the cro-bar.)

On a side note, I’d lay down a fiver I was the only one in that class besides Shawn who has taken serious practice drawing while seated and belted.

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11 Responses to Lazy Blogging

  1. LibertyNews says:

    Hey! You weren’t the only one — but you couldn’t see me raise my hand behind you. I’ve actually been attacked at a stop light, my solution was to drive off (I was lucky enough that the light changed just as they punched me in the eye).

    In the video we were discussing the car clearly had enough space to escape, or just run the idiot over as he walked in front or behind the car. No need to endanger bystanders with a gunshot.

    Thanks for the link 🙂

  2. Kristopher says:

    Best way to draw while seated in a car is from a strong-side ankle or thigh holster.

    Belt is a bad place to draw from in a car … practice is good here.

  3. D.W. Drang says:

    When he asked “would you shoot?” I said “no”; when he was asking “lethal force”, I was all for running the scumbag down.

    I was going to describe the situation, but I don’t want to offer spoilers for those who haven’t taken the course, yet.

  4. Phil says:

    Sorry about that guys. Corrections made.

  5. Rivrdog says:

    Two things: you have identical legal jeopardy if you run someone down or shoot them dead. both are uses of deadly force, and your vehicle has standing as a dangerous weapon in court. Second, if you wear a snap-on-belt cross-draw paddle holster in the car, it’s even faster to draw from than an ankle holster. Assuming you are right-handed, it will be right next to the door, though, so make sure you have your door locked.

    I was also attacked by an angry motorist at a stoplight many years ago. since then, I carry a hand axe in the driver’s door pocket. It is a warehouseman’s axe, with a short handle, so it doesn’t look too bad when I open the door of my truck. You don’t have room to swing a real battle-axe, anyway.

    Tactic is, duck incoming blow, seize assailant’s wrist with right hand, draw axe with left, execute a forceful chop to the forearm, release arm as assailant recoils with lacerated arm, open door, exit vehicle and continue axe or gun work as appropriate. Yes, I have practiced this with a partner. It seems that the assaulted driver has a huge force advantage over the assaulting a-hole, and pinning the assailant’s arm is very easy.

  6. steve_in_ca says:

    Two things: you have identical legal jeopardy if you run someone down or shoot them dead. both are uses of deadly force, and your vehicle has standing as a dangerous weapon in court.
    But officer, I was avoiding the swinging crowbar when I lost control of my truck and ran him over twice

  7. steve_in_ca says:

    BTW, just recieved my Utah non-resident CWP. Pity I live in PDRCA.

  8. steve_in_ca says:

    One more little thing, don’t use your Utah non-resident CWP in Colorado, they don’t accept it!

  9. Anybody mention Ayoob’s old trick of cranking your wheels hard right at each stop? It’s an easy habit to develop, and all you need do when an attacker approaches your door is pop it in reverse and hit the gas.

  10. Shawn Mahood says:

    Steve_In_CA –
    Just a head’s up. It’s not just Colorado. Florida, Michigan and New Hampshire all recognize the Utah Resident permit, but not the Non-Resident permit. Beware instructors who advertise that it is accepted in 33 States. It is, but only if you are a Utah resident.

    DaveWhiteWolf –
    Another old cop trick is to make sure that you can see the point where the rear tires of the car in front of you meet the road. This generally gives you enough room to manuever should the need arrise.

    Phil –
    I somehow didn’t get your email addy at the class. Please drop me an email at [email protected]

    Thanks for the positive review!


  11. steve_in_ca says:

    Thanks Shawn, good info, I didn’t look that far into it. I really only got the CWP for traveling in the Western States.

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