Legislating in the blood of the dead

They’re at it again. The Ceasefire Triplets will be pushing a bill during the next Washington legislative session to ban scary looking guns.

They’re calling it the Aaron Sullivan Public Safety and Police Protection Bill, after the guy who was killed by a gang-banger this last summer. Also during their press conference they specifically mention SPD Officer Timothy Brenton, whom they claim was shot with a scary looking rifle, though I’ve never seen any mention of the weapon in the reports I’ve read.

A quote from professional serial gun bigot, Sen. Adam Kline

This (measure) is to prevent mass murder. It won’t prevent murder, it will prevent mass murder.

The man is clearly delusional. His silly bill, if made law, would do no such thing.

Does he realize that neither example mentioned was a “mass murder”? Probably not. He’s probably hoping no one else does either.

I’m running out of fingers for the number of times he and his fellow Senator, Jeanne Kohl-Wells, have tried to pass legislation that would ban one type of weapon or another after a newsworthy death involving a firearm.

Looks like we’re going to have to make a trip to Olympia to show our numbers again. I wonder how they’re going to try and minimize our turnout this time?

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3 Responses to Legislating in the blood of the dead

  1. bobb says:

    They keep passing laws/ordinances against inanimate objects.
    Why don’t they go after the guys/girls that abuse these inanimate objects?
    BTW,love your Blog.

  2. Whenever someone spews this crap at me, I simply remind them that the Rwandan genocide was perpetrated mostly with machetes, and that the gun is simply a tool, like any other, and the good or evil they impute to it actually need to be attributed to the user.

    Another fun tactic is to ask them if they believe The Lord of the Rings was a documentary. You get this WTF? look. Then you explain that they must, since they believer that an inanimate object, such as a firearm, can cause its possessor to suddenly become evil.

  3. Tom says:

    FWIW, I believe Breton’s murderer used a Kel-Tec SU16, which isn’t classified as an “Assault Weapon”, even in CA.

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