Watch out world!

I’m going back to school!

Yep. Just like my man Rodney, I’m collegiate.

On the fourth of January I’ll begin attending classes at a college administered by the State of Washington, as a Geography major.

I’ll be lessening the impact on the universe (and my wallet) by taking nine to ten “part-time” quarters (aka: an Associates degree) at the local Community College before transferring to the University of Washington.

Unfortunately, this means I’ll have less time to post. But don’t think I’m not looking out for y’all. In the time between now and then you’ll see a couple new gentlemen helping David and I out here at RNS. We’ll do introductions when they’re ready, and I have high confidence that they’ll fit in quite nicely.

I’m thinking that this maneuver will mean “less linky, more thinky” from me. I hope folks don’t mind.

In fact, I plan on having quite a few unhappy words up by the end of the week about the Washington state college admissions process.

On a side note, I’m finding it most hilarious that my new situation has me attending is the state accredited version of the Evergreen College. The Wife has actually demanded I treat them gently so as to not figuratively flush my tuition by getting booted for making hippies cry.

Wish me luck. More later.

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6 Responses to Watch out world!

  1. David says:

    Thanks to you – I’m having an Oingo Boingo Monday. Dead Man’s Party baby! 😉

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Well, that just about blows me away! The Analog Kid goes to collitch! Bully for you!

    I presume this has something to do with an offer to seriously advance at WM (or a threat to not be retained unless you get a degree), not for the intellectual curiosity you might have as to what mental gems those libs are going to dish out.

    You’re a throwback, you know, holding a decent job with a big company without benefit of being conferred a liberal degree.

    I haven’t taken any college courses since 1973, when I was in the police academy, and studied Abnormal Psych at the graduate level.

    As far as I’m concerned, my Bachelor’s degree did the one good thing I got it for – got me into the USAF as a commissioned officer, and I took life from there.

    I generally have disdain for the higher-ed system of today, because it fails in the one mission it should be good at – teaching critical thinking by providing analyses of differing types of thought from proven thinkers.

    Having adopted dumbed-down liberal dogma everywhere except the Christian colleges and universities, the higher ed system has failed to produce critical thinkers for two generations now.

    Three of four of my children are college grads, with my youngest having attained her doctorate in medicine. Only my son seems to be able to think critically, but that is likely more due to his choice of churches than anything else (he went away with my ex when 2 years of age, and I was of no influence in his upbringing).

    I did raise the doctor-daughter, cradle through high school, and sent her away to the U of Oregon in 1998 with high hopes. Her eager mind got filled full of liberal mush there, and while she faithfully absorbed all her science courses like a sponge, easily getting into the excellent Oregon Health Sciences University Medical School and succeeding there, she still cannot think critically on the subject of politics.

    Phil, I presume you are going to go for management coursework, business courses. Those tend to be less politically oriented than the liberal arts ones. If you have to take electives, my recommendation is to study history or psychology.

    Best of luck. You are going to need it, since you are inoculated by life against the disease of mind-rot that your college will try to infect you with, and that will make you the nail that sticks up. I’m betting that you can dodge that hammer, though.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    BTW, my best buddy has a Georgraphy degree from Oregon State, and he got exactly the same use out of his degree that I got out of mine, only he fought the Vietnam War from the bridge deck of a Navy oiler-ammo ship which he helped to command.

    The degree will open doors, but to be really useful, you have to have some business courses.

  4. Erik Ordway says:

    Umm. Just to be clear I think you mean “The Evergreen State College”. Do note the “State” in the name. It was meant to be the south west regional state university for Washington state. Then… Well there was this thing…. Ummm well… Ok what do you expect from a school that picks a horse penis shaped mollusk for a mascot. So it is also “state accredited” as much as Western is.

    Have fun at Western.

  5. Phil says:

    Glad you’re enjoying it, David.

    You struck out, RD. I’m having my “mid-life crisis” and realizing that I don’t want to do what I’m doing when I’m 50. So I’m going to school to get papered in what I want to be doing. Luckily, I have a stable FT job, an employer who might pay for some/most of it, a stable home life, and don’t have to worry about wimmin and alcohol distracting me.

    And I apologize, Erik, but Evergreen “State” is only accredited by a single accreditation agency that doesn’t much reach past it’s own campus. A large number of credits earned by Greeenies don’t transfer to anywhere out of state and the only reason other in-state institutions accept any of their credits is because they have to per their charters (thanks Governor Evans!). Even the science classes have fees to cover “art supplies”. I think they take both the “Liberal” and “Arts” much to seriously.

  6. Cowboy Blob says:

    Welcome to Academia! I’ve been doing the Community College thang for almost 2 years now, thanks to the GI Bill. A great chance to expand your mind and meet great people… especially cute college chicks 🙂

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