Glad they could make it official

One of the big stories from while I was on vacation that didn’t get the press it deserved was that Eco-Socialism is now an officially recognized philosophy equal to a religion in the UK.

In a landmark ruling, Mr Justice Michael Burton said that “a belief in man-made climate change … is capable, if genuinely held, of being a philosophical belief for the purpose of the 2003 Religion and Belief Regulations”.

The ruling could open the door for employees to sue their companies for failing to account for their green lifestyles, such as providing recycling facilities or offering low-carbon travel.

The decision regards Tim Nicholson, former head of sustainability at property firm Grainger plc, who claims he was made redundant in July 2008 due to his “philosophical belief about climate change and the environment”.

In March, employment judge David Heath gave Mr Nicholson permission to take the firm to tribunal over his treatment.

But Grainger challenged the ruling on the grounds that green views were political and based on science, as opposed to religious or philosophical in nature.

John Bowers QC, representing Grainger, had argued that adherence to climate change theory was “a scientific view rather than a philosophical one”, because “philosophy deals with matters that are not capable of scientific proof.”

That argument has now been dismissed by Mr Justice Burton, who last year ruled that the environmental documentary An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore was political and partisan.

The decision allows the tribunal to go ahead, but more importantly sets a precedent for how environmental beliefs are regarded in English law.

Are you an Eco-Socialist who thinks that your company should be forced to do more to help you tele-commute?

You now have legal precedent for your suit!

Does your company own or lease any private aircraft?

Make them justify said ownership or contract.

Or the next direction I see this heading…..

Does your company not take your vegan sensitivities into account and have a cafeteria that serves foods which contain meat, dairy or fish products?

Hello, Mr. QC? Can you help me?

And remember that this crap eventually makes it over here in short order.

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One Response to Glad they could make it official

  1. Rivrdog says:

    As if all the Constitution-wrecking the Left has done doesn’t bring us ideas of a revolution or purge of all of their thoughts and actions, this rainbow-farting, eco-twisting horsepuckey is reason enough to begin the Un-Do and Re-Do.

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