We’re all gonna die!!!1!!1!!one!

OK. Maybe not.

I’m not so sure that this actually upholds the Global Warming Death Cult’s premise.

Earth scientists have a very good understanding of how carbon-dioxide levels have varied in the atmosphere over the last 800,000 years, but there has been little agreement on the levels before then. A study led by Aradhna Tripati, a visiting researcher in geochemistry at Caltech, has now supplied a missing piece of the puzzle, showing that at least 15 million years have passed since CO2 levels were as high as they are today.

“The last time carbon dioxide levels were apparently as high as they are today and were sustained at those levels, global temperatures were five to 10 degrees Fahrenheit higher than they are today, sea level was approximately 75 to 120 feet higher than today, and there was no permanent sea ice cap in the Arctic and very little ice on Antarctica and Greenland,” says Tripati, whose team included Caltech postdoc Robert Eagle.

So, wouldn’t that mean that since we have the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere as we did when the sea levels were “75 to 120 feet higher”, that CO2 levels aren’t the harbinger the cult has been saying they are and that there must be something else, if not in even just in combination with CO2, that they haven’t factored in?

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3 Responses to We’re all gonna die!!!1!!1!!one!

  1. I just read the study cited. The authors do conclude that global temperatures and CO2 levels are coupled and that CO2 is a key factor in those fluctuations (CO2 does alter the ability of our atmosphere to retain or reflect solar radiation, as do methane and water vapor).

    Keep in mind that the data resolution is not such that they know how quickly the climate shifts happen, it could take 50-100 years (or more) before sea levels rise and swamp the coastal areas. Also, the data does show that CO2 levels have been this high before without the help of Industry (the study does not speculate as to why the CO2 levels were that high in the past, only that they were).

  2. PeterT says:

    What it’s actually showing is that aliens have stolen 75 -120 feet of water from the surface of the Earth and that we are all going to die of thirst in 12 years!!!!!111one…

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