From the same thread

This gem:

Although there does seem to be some evidence of a growing trend in Russia. In addition to a surplus female population (alluded to in a post above), Russian men are just off the charts in terms of chronic alcoholism, physical abuse, crime, disappearing for months at a time and pretty much anything else that would be considered deal-breaker material for any would-be female paramour.

I have a friend living in Russia right now. He did very poorly with women here, but over there they are literally lining up for him. He also notes that there is a fast growing phenomenon of women over 30 (or under but lacking the requisite beauty to ever hope to be a mail order bride or member of some mafia concubine) partnering up with another woman in a quasi-homosexual relationship. It’s not about sexual desires per se, but simply a recognition that we need to go through life with a partner and the men – at least the ones who haven’t managed to kill themselves or get shipped off to some Siberian work camp – are simply not cutting it.

Commenter “DCP.” Perhaps yet another demonstration of how amazingly quickly humans, the most adaptable of animals, will adapt to changing circumstances.

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3 Responses to From the same thread

  1. J.T. Wenting says:

    The older Russian woman has always been a highly adapting person.
    In the male dominated matriarchal society (how the heck did that ever happen?) of the USSR the men had the tools of power but no doubt the women ruled the roost with an iron fist even Stalin would be afraid to challenge.

    This independence reasserts itself now, with women thinking “why do we need men, they’re all useless” when presented with the image of the Russian male as portrayed.

  2. J.T. Wenting says:

    P.S. there seems to be something wrong with the comment system. It sometimes thinks comments are entered twice when they aren’t and throws a tantrum.
    Could this be a female computer?

  3. David says:

    Heh. Guess she just doesn’t like you. 😉

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