Then they need to quit voting Democrat

The MadRocketScientist finds one of those studies that reveals what most of us what we already knew

Today, the Center for Union Facts (CUF) released a unique new poll which found that 82% of non-unionized American workers would not like their jobs to be unionized. The poll, which was conducted by the Opinion Research Corporation of Princeton, New Jersey, clearly demonstrates that an overwhelming number of Americans have no interest in joining a union.

Despite this, Democratic leadership in Congress continues to push the deceptively-named Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), which would effectively force millions of Americans into unions against their will by eliminating their right to a secret ballot vote. This poll indicates that there is no national mandate for a dramatic change in the law to make it easier to unionize. It further exposes the fact that EFCA’s backers are a small group of labor elites trying to push legislation that goes against the interests of America’s workforce.

Every time the EFCA comes up in the news the leftosphere goes nuts and writes paragraph after paragraph about how “it doesn’t take away the right to a secret ballot”.

What they rather easily always seem to forget to write about is that the unions know that less than 75% of people who would let themselves be harassed into signing a card would actually vote yes to join a union. They’ve studied this and that is the only reason why the unions want this bill to pass.

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One Response to Then they need to quit voting Democrat

  1. J.T. Wenting says:

    I’ve never understood why the hell a country that claims to have freedom as their highest value has a law that requires people to join unions (or any organisation for that matter) against their will just because some coworker tells them to.

    If someone in a company wants to join a union, let him. But don’t because of that force the entire workforce to pay duties to those socialist money grubbers.
    If the union can get enough members on its own, they can have a seat on the table when it gets time to negotiate salaries, if not get the fuck out the door and stay out.
    But never should unions have more say anywhere than is determined by the number of people joining out of their own free will.

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