RNS Quote of the Day: 01/26/09

Last week, Robert Reich wrote this spiel demanding that any funding for any infrastructure project in the “stimulus” package working its way through Congress be laden with racial quotas.

And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most — women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed — will be shut out.I’d suggest that all contracts entered into with stimulus funds require contractors to provide at least 20 percent of jobs to the long-term unemployed and to people with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. And at least 2 percent of project funds should be allocated to such training. In addition, advantage should be taken of buildings trades apprenticeships — wich(sic) must be fully available to women and minorities.

This, of course, was a bombshell on the national news front. Americans from Maine to California have demanded we get rid of “Affirmative Action” and all other race based quota systems, and this wasn’t going over well.

Apparently, Reich doesn’t think anyone outside of his circle reads his blather, because now he is trying to say that that isn’t what he wrote.

And the leftosphere is on board in his defense, calling anyone who says that he is calling for quotas a “liar”. Which brings us to our Quote of the Day.

This country is in a crisis. We can no longer afford to let stupid people believe lies, they must be told the truth. Stupid is what got us here in the first place.

Jon DeVore @ HorsesAss

I guess that actually being able to read, and then use the context of multiple paragraphs makes me stupid, while towing a party line and covering for other people’s bullshit is the new standard of smart in the Obamanation.

If I had the ear of Reich available to me, I’d immediately throw it in a jar filled with formaldehyde and hope the body was disposed of well. However, if the above phrase is merely metaphorical, I’d tell him to quit being stupid and to stop bringing up race at all, ever, and these kinds of things won’t happen.

And to any Reich supporter that happens to wander on through RNS, no, the above paragraph does not mean I want to kill Booby Reich.

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3 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 01/26/09

  1. Myles says:

    How could you even argue that he isn’t calling for quotas?

  2. tired dog says:

    Oh, you refer to Robert Wretch…

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