Talk about your moral equivalence

Could we please get these people some more facetime on the national media?

Jane Smiley believes that John McCain’s sorties are equivalent to William Ayers’ bombings.

But, of course, John McCain’s defense is that he was performing his patriotic duty, and that’s what William Ayers would have said, too. I remember the Vietnam War. It was not a war of self-defense that the U.S. had to wage or had to win. It was a war of aggression, a waste of resources, lives, manpower, global good will, and national spirit. And, many would say, it was a war crime. Those who were against it viewed their protests as essential patriotism, a way of correcting terrible choices and profound injustices.

According to the New York Times article, William Ayers’ case was thrown out of court because of “illegal wiretaps and prosecutorial misconduct”, exactly the sort of activities that will get cases brought against the Guantanamo detainees by the Bush Administration thrown out of court. Deja vu all over again.

In the meantime, what about the case against John McCain? The next time he goes abroad, might some enterprising human rights activist step up to him and put him under a citizens’ arrest for war crimes and get him hauled off to the The Hague?

Please, will someone put her on CNN so she can spout this crap.

Olbermann, where the fuck are you, dude?

It seems the best we can do so far is get one Seattle blogger to compare Ayers to Henry Kissinger.

And why is this all coming up again? Because Sarah Palin mentioned it a couple times on the campaign trail.

Over the weekend, the Obama camp sent a message to the McCain campaign saying that if they didn’t shut Palin up, the Obama folks would magically have the entire Obama-faithful media “discover” the Keating 5 scandal.

Barack Obama’s allies warn that John McCain’s attacks on the Democrat’s character will lead to the political equivalent of mutual assured destruction: Fire your big weapon at your own peril.

Several Obama surrogates said his supporters may start reminding voters of McCain’s ties to Charles Keating, a convicted savings-and-loan owner whose actions two decades ago triggered a Senate ethics investigation that involved McCain as one of the “Keating Five.”

A scandal from which McCain was completely exonerated by a Democrat controlled Congress of any wrong doing.

CNN’s “Truth Squad” spent the weekend publicizing their shitty debunking skills and categorizing Palin’s words as “FALSE”

How many times do you think that the alphabet soup networks (because they’re “in the can”) can run Keating 5 montages a day?

I’m sure that by the end of this week, the politically aware of the nation will have the names of the others involved, who actually were found to have made serious ethics violations, memorized from hearing them over and over again.

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  1. Pingback: Murdoc Online » Blog Archive » Ayers: Just some dude from the 60s?

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