Coming Soon

To a leftist bureaucracy near you

The land locked alpine European nation has a direct democracy system like the one in California that allows citizens to put forward legislative proposals. If they can get 100,000 signatures on petitions, the proposals go to a vote of the population.

A move to drastically restrict cars spearheaded by the Swiss Green Party youth section has already gained 130,000 signatures. If the proposal passes a majority of the voters and more than half of the countries 26 states, it would ban all cars that weigh more than 4,820 lbs, emit more than 250 g/km of CO2, have a front end dangerous to pedestrians or that don’t have a particulate filter for a diesel engine.

Just to make sure that Swiss drivers don’t flock to older cars that don’t meet the new rules, all older cars would be required to be equipped with a governor that would limit them to 100 km/h.

So, if the car you want is bigger than a VW Passat, has an engine that gets you from 0-60 in less than 10 seconds, and doesn’t have a couch mounted to the front bumper, you’re SOL, Serge.

And if you own an older car, you’re stuck in the slow lane.

Lovely these Swiss Youths.

I move that if they cannot meet their marksmanship requirements, they get the boot and quit giving the socialists in the US ideas.

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One Response to Coming Soon

  1. Mikee says:

    How can any front bumper NOT be dangerous to a pedestrian if the car is going up to 100km/h?

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