Chainsaw Maid

Josh is not blogging due to remodeling and other issues. So for your Walking Dead fix, here’s some Claymation.

I love Claymation.

This reminds me, I need to buy a chainsaw to fill out our survival tools.

Got any brand advice? I’m thinking of fictional serial killer Leatherface’s Husqvarna or real serial killer Charles Ng’s McCulloch. (I worked on the evidence for the Ng murder case, so I know whereof I speak).

What? Yeah, it’s for clearing trees post-earthquake, but it’s also for zombies. Needs to have been proven to work in flesh.

By the way, if you want to scare the shit out of yourself, go read a book about Leonard Lake and Charles Ng.

“Papa die, momma cry, baby fry.”

A paint bucket filled with IDs of missing people.

A dungeon dug by hand under a rental house in the California hills.

Serial killers getting their victims from pre-Internet personals ads.

Targeting an entire family in a home invasion in San Francisco.

Cyanide pills.

Railroad cars filled with the victims’ possessions — the ones we know about.

Killings ended only because the killers were utterly incompetent shoplifters.

I say no more except that the movie is begging to be made. And it’s all true.

This entry was posted in Armageddon, By Ourselves, For Ourselves, Evil walks the earth, Freaks, Mutants, and Morons. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Chainsaw Maid

  1. JT says:

    I’ve had good experiences with the Husky and Echo. I owned a nice McCulloch, but the company has had problems supplying repair parts lately. When you get your saw, make sure to get a spare bar, a couple spare plugs, a bar greaser, and at least one chain file – and sharpen the chain before first use. The factory edge isn’t bad, but a few strokes of the file makes a world of difference.

  2. Firehand says:

    Remember hearing about those two after they were caught; downright spooky, guy.

  3. David says:

    While we were working on the case, I was still in law school. One of my fellow classmates is Chinese and everyone else thought he was very wise because he kept an absolutely deadpan face and spoke very rarely, so everybody wanted to know his reaction to things and paid a great deal of attention whenever he’d finally say something. It’s a great technique.

    Anyway, he was a bit chubby even then, and I came really really close to having him put on my black sunglasses, walk into the office, and ask for the person managing the case by name, saying “Charlie” wanted to speak with her, all the while maintaining that cold, deadpan face. Like a live Terminator.

    I was talked out of it because in shades he really did look a lot like Ng, and my boss was convinced the case manager would either have a heart attack or shoot him on the spot.

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