RNS Quote of the Day: 06/25/08

Ha! No Heller for you!

Sorry, but the more I consider it, the less likely I find the idea that the courts will save us, and I’ve felt that way a LONG time.

Kevin BakerThe Smallest MinorityIn keeping with harshing your mellow

I’m normally much more pessimistic than that, but for a “change” I’m being optimistic and hoping Kevin is wrong on the gun stuff (for once).

Quite literally, I’m keeping my hopes up by having gotten part way through rewriting “The Night Before Christmas” for the occasion, with the key line being “While decisions of Chief Justice Roberts dance in their heads.”

Think happy thoughts. They may be the last ones for a while if Kevin is right.

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3 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 06/25/08

  1. Rivrdog says:

    I was going to withhold statements on Heller until I saw the ruling, but this one has been percolating in my noodle for some time.

    It doesn’t make a nickel’s worth of difference what the Supremes rule, because the court has marginalized itself with it’s “living Constitution” idea and it has lost the force to be a guiding light, as the Founders intended it should be.

    If they rule that there IS an individual right, but with the weasel words every one expects (“reasonable restrictions” OK), then the gun-grabbers will just work twice as hard to find ways around it by interpreting those “reasonable” restrictions into new gun bans. The spirit of the ruling will mean nothing to the gun-grabbers.

    If they rule that there is only a collective right, they will most likely, fail to rule on just WHAT is a “well-regulated militia”, and so if we try to form ourselves into militias to save our ARs and FN-FALs, those militias will be ruled improper by the dot-gov.

    The rest of the world has turned down the idea of unfettered gun possession, and regardless of what the Second is deemed to say, the day is fast approaching when our government will join them, just because we are all “one world”.

    They’ll get MY bullets back, one at a time…

  2. alex. says:

    How silly is this situation: “Americans wait with baited breath to hear if 5 out of 9 appointed jurists can read the Constitution.”? What a travesty! I expect nothing good, and frankly couldn’t care less. What does it matter, anyway? The Constituition didn’t grant the right to keep and bear arms, and 5 black-robed eunuchs can’t take it away. What matters is if we defend our rights. Will we?

  3. alex. says:

    “bated”, damnit. Carry on.

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