RNS Quote of the Day: 06/24/08

In yet another hit piece on Cindy McCain, LAT staff writer, Ralph Vartabedian, tries to lay another excuse as to why McCain is unfit for office.

You can’t run a beer company out of the White House.

Samuel L. Popkin – PoliSci (why try) professor at UC San Diego

Why the hell not? Washington distilled whiskey and most folks think he was pretty OK.

The MADD national office gets plenty of quotes about how their business kills people and how, if he gets elected, they’ll be keeping an eye on the two of them to make sure no promotion of drinking exits the Oval Office.

I kind of get the feeling that this Vartabedian fellow used to write pro-Brady articles, but has switched up his game a bit here.

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4 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 06/24/08

  1. BadIdeaGuy says:

    The words “political science” never really made sense to me together until I learned about the global warming alarmists.

    I’ll bet McCain’s chances of winning would increase significantly if the Straight talk express turned into the “Cindy McCain’s Girls Gone Wild” Express.

    Winning the erection, that is.

    Offering the electorate beer and girls might be more effective than $300 million for a car battery.

  2. Paul W says:

    I swear that if I became President I’d get an FFL and deal guns ought of the Oval Office.

    Honestly, who cares what business the members of the First Family are in, so long as the business is legal and they pay their taxes and employees?

  3. Paul W says:




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