Where ya going, Fred

After this weekends Third Place finish in South Carolina, Fred has gone home and to visit his mother. Some are saying that this is a signal that Fred Dalton Thompson will be withdrawing soon. I do not believe so, and I seriously hope not.

I even sent him another chunk of change this weekend to show that I still want him to go for it.

McCain owes his win in SC to Fred, who drew upwards of 20% of the smart evangelical vote away from Huckabee The Christian Socialist in a large number of locations. Without Thompson, McCain would have likely finished a very close second to Huckabee in a state where McCain’s supporters were playing him off as the martyr of the 2000 primaries.

I don’t get the chance to vote for Fred until the middle of February, and even if he withdraws before then I will cast my ballot in his favor since I cannot drop my conscience far enough to vote for any of the other bastards on the ballot.

What I could possibly vote for in the general in November, though I’m not settled on it, would be this: If McCain recognizes that he owes Fred big-time for maintaining McCain’s viability and enters into a gentleman’s agreement in which Thompson is given the Veep slot in exchange for his help in securing the nomination by drawing votes away from the rest of the pack and Fred giving his delegates to McCain.

I say this because McCain has enough to beat Hillary (or Obama) but he is older than Reagan was in 1981, and I don’t expect him to make it through two terms (and maybe not even one whole term). Also, Huckabee is the only other candidate besides Fred that stands a chance at winning the southern states in a national election, and I don’t want Huckabee any closer to the White House than he was two months ago.

Romney currently leads the field with nearly twice the number of delegates of McCain and more than twice the number of delegates of Huckabee. McCain needs the bodies taken from Huckabee that Fred will garner to both knock Huckabee out of the race and beat Romney under the auspices of a brokered convention.

The race is still wide open and likely will still be a guesser after Super Tuesday. Which is fourteen days before I get to vote for Fred Thompson in the Washington State Primary.

Yes, it sucks. No, I don’t like it, and no, I haven’t fully settled on that as an option yet either. But I’ve wished in one hand and Romney/Huckabee’d in the other. Guess which one is currently more full?

Seeing as how my whimsical immediately post-high school days are long gone and I can’t vote for the Hand in Glove Party on the Morrissey/Marr ticket, my only other option is Death of Life Party and the Cthulhu/Danzig ticket.


The same results as an Hillary or Obama win, but involves much less waiting.

I’ve got an email into the Washington Secretary of State’s office verifying I can cameraphone pic my ballot to prove my vote.

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10 Responses to Where ya going, Fred

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Here’s my bottom line: I’m not going to vote for a socialist, regardless of which party’s flag he/she drapes in.

    If it comes down to a choice between two socialists this fall, my blog, and I hope yours, will be urging conservatives to stay home (for the Pres. election only). Perhaps conservatives can still be of use, for if the GOP were to find, on Wednesday the 5th of November, that over 20% of GOP voters did not vote for Pres, but voted in state and local and Congressional races, they might just get the message to get behind a true conservative earlier on for 2012.

    There’s another advantage. If the elected Dot Gov keeps heading down the treasonous road towards socialism, some sort of change of government will be required in the not too distant future. The political fervor to support that change of government (as in change, with great prejudice) needs somewhere to start. The election this fall is as good a starting place as any.

  2. Some Guy says:

    Bill Quick is promoting the idea that if the GOP doesn’t nominate Thompson, then writing Thompson in on the November ballot would send a clearer message than staying home or voting Democratic in protest. I agree.

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  4. BadIdeaGuy says:

    I posted this same comment at snowflakesinhell, but I don’t want to “hold my nose and vote R” like I did in 2006.

    However, the fear of Clinton II is a better motivator than voting my principles. I don’t think you have to be sober to vote, so maybe instead of holding my nose, this time I’ll have a few drinks and impair myself to such point as I can vote for the non-Fred GOP candidate.

  5. med7992 says:

    I noticed that at the top of this web site it says liberty or death.But the one true candidate that stands for liberty and freedom is Ron Paul.But know one on this web site talks about him.

  6. Phil says:

    I have the fear too, Guy, but Washington isn’t a battleground state and will most likely go for the Dem candidate over the Repub 65/35. My vote, really actually doesn’t matter here.

    Now for you, Med. You’ll take off if you know what’s good for you. There is no Ron Paul spoken here. Ron Paul is a rat bastard who should be driven out of this country on a rail for soiling the name of Libertarianism with his ilk.

    I’ve seen the man for what he is since I was in my teens: A lying bigot with the practical IQ of a kumquat. I’ve been arguing against his assholish views since before you could probably even vote, junkie.

    Take your “Only man who can save Amurka” shit elsewhere and don’t darken my door with it again.

    You don’t seem to have even a inkling of what liberty and freedom stand for.

  7. Rivrdog says:

    News item: Fred quits race.

    Time to Cry Havoc?

    BTW, I don’t believe that write-in votes have to be published by the Sec’y State in your state, so even if Fred got a million write-ins, given the rabidly Socialist nature of the current WA administration, I doubt if we’d hear about it until even BadIdeaGuy sobered up…

  8. DFWMTX says:

    Well….on the bright side, the next scheduled apocalypse should be happening in 2012, so really we only have to put up with a non-Fred president for only 4 years until Cthulhu awakes / Jesus returns / the space jaguars eat the planet / the X-ists turn Earth into a giant Stuckey’s in space / sun expands to red giant size and burns us all / etc.

    Btw, fuck Ron Paul and his 9/11 tinfoil hat. Maybe if he wasn’t as batshit crazy as Kucinich I’d vote for him out of Texan solidarity, but his tinfoil fetish and that of many of his followers is a major turnoff.

  9. Craig S says:

    Fred has left the building, pulled out of the race. Any chance of a VP slot ya think? He is the ONLY conservative that was in the race. All the rest are socalists of one level or another on both sides.

  10. David says:

    I think the fact that he carefully did not endorse anyone indicates he’s available for veep.

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