The Wife Disagrees

But I can live with that.

In my opinion, I wholeheartedly believe that the Writer’s strike, and in addition, the subsequent canceling of glitz award shows, are the best thing to happen to America for at least a decade if not more.

She lurrves to watch the celebs come out of their bunkers and show off for the peons. I personally can’t stand them and find a gun that needs cleaning or something.

Just had to get that off the chest.

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6 Responses to The Wife Disagrees

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Well, I don’t watch ANY of that crap on teevee, so I guess I don’t know what I’m missing, and I have to rely on how the strike is affecting others. By the horror expressed in the nelkulturny teevee column of my local fishwrap, I expect that the culture-killers are getting their comeuppance.

    Now if a certain number of these writers actually did starve to death, there would be further improvement.

    When I have my John Wayne collection to watch, and the Military Channel to keep abreast of the really important stuff, like new infantry weapons coming online, I don’t need no farging teevee writers in MY life.

  2. Sailorcurt says:

    I’m with you brother.

    Nothing disinterests me more than the thought of watching narcissistic, self-important, emotionally crippled, self-indulgent boobs with delusions of grandeur patting themselves on the back for a job well done.

    I’d rather find something more useful to do when those awards shows are on…you know: clean the septic tank with a toothbrush, teach the dogs how to count, polish the copper plumbing under the house…things like that.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    I’d like to watch the rich-ass morons come out of their bunkers if I could shoot at them too – make it sporting after all, 200-yards.

  4. Jim says:

    Me, I’m all in favor of ’em going full batshit libtard crazy at such (formerly) august events.

    I want them to go so fuckin’ nutball crazy, that nobody takes them seriously, ever again.

    Sloop New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  5. dfwmtx says:

    Were I the type to indulge in tinfoil conspiracies, I’d say a cabal made up of staffers from TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, and People offed Heath Ledger and made it look like an overdose so they’d have something to fawn over for two weeks because there’s no celebrity awards shows for them to cover.

    But I’m not, so I won’t show you the proof contained in this grainy photo.

  6. Linoge says:

    Well, the only show I really care about (BSG) was not significantly affected (so far as I know), so I really do not care. Hopefully Mythbusters was not either, but, beyond that… *shrug*

    This chain of events certainly has given people a greater chance to… whisperv(“read”);… unlikely though they would have taken advantage of it.

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