I was “away”

That is my excuse for not posting these earlier

First up is the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus website, which Jeff at Alphecca posted on just as I was dropping into interweb silence.

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus is an organization made up of college students, parents and concerned citizens who support the right of holders of concealed carry licenses to carry on our college campuses.

SCCC is a non-partisan, grassroots oragnization which through our supporters will push our State Governments to approve laws that will give students and teachers the right to carry handguns on college campuses.

After such tragedies as Columbine and Virginia Tech, it is abundantly clear that the only way to stop mass murderers is to have responsible citizens in the classroom and on campuses able to carry their licensed handguns.

The laws of our States are tying the hands of responsible students and teachers who are allowed to carry their handguns virtually everywhere but on campus.

We encourage supporters to write their elected officials, write the editors of their newspapers, call radio programs, contact their local media outlets and help put pressure on Universities to overturn “gun free” campuses.

And as to be able to post about a second past item, I must start with the present.

It looks as though the “right wing” candidate, Sarkozy, has won the election for the Presidency of France. Ace mentions that the other candidate, Royal, made “promises” or “threats” of some sort that violence would erupt if she lost the election.

These seem to be coming true.

Did the broad really do this while David and I were away? I’ve been keeping an eye on this election, but had no news of any type while at Boomershoot.

In switching to prophetical mode, expect “threats” or “promises” of this type to emerge from multiple sources, possibly including a candidate, from the Democrat camp around September/October 2008.

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One Response to I was “away”

  1. Rivrdog says:

    This tactic of threatening violence in the streets after a leftist’s election loss is becoming standard leftist policy. Happened in Mexico, and now France, both supposedly modern nations of the First order (according to themselves, anyway).

    Since this is a growing phenomenon, let’s all remember to ask Democratic Party candidates for President if they support such uncivilized behavior in ’08 if THEY were to be the nominee and lose. I say, put them on the spot now, and make them answer. Some of their answers could be interesting, and some might even be forced to disavow some of their fringe constituencies, which would be a VERY useful thing to hear. OTH, some might very well say that, in the event of their loss, such civil disorder would be justified (the guaranteed answer if you asked either Reverend Jackson or Sharpton).

    Anyway, let’s keep this question in mind, it could prove useful.

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