Trading Money for Guilt

There has been a lot of talk these past couple days about AlGore and his waste of natural resources and spewing of the eevviill CO2 from one of his houses in Tennessee being hypocritical.

And it is.

Every single left-wing blog that has broached the subject has defended his wasting ways.

That would be all of them.

Their excuses range from:

“The group that outed him as a waster is a right-wing smear organization no one has ever heard from until now”


“He is allowed his hypocrisy because he is a crusader for the planet”

One of the leftist Global Warming Death Cult Believer blogs has even set up a pseudo-well-thought-out-list of reasons why Gore’s sins are OK. They include both of these excuses, as well as some new ones, such as:

A – People in Tennessee use more electricity than the nation on average, so he is only using three times the Tennessee Average.
B – The Gore Family is not your average family because they’re rich
C – Most of the power used by folks in Tennessee comes from Hydro and Nuclear which doesn’t put out all that much CO2.

But by far, my favorite excuse for Gore being given a pass by the Global-Warming-Death-Cult-osphere is the one about how Gore buys things called “Carbon Credits” to “Offset” his spewing of eevviill CO2 during his daily life into the atmosphere.

If you go to CarbonFund.Org you can calculate your “Carbon Footprint” with their handy “Carbon Calculator”.

Simply enter in the number of people in your household, your KWH per year of electricity and/or Thermals of Natural Gas and/or Gallons of Heating Oil, then add your average miles per year and MPG of your car along with any air traffic miles; hit enter and you can find out just how much eevviill CO2 you are killing the earth with.

What is the point of all this, you ask?

Why, so that you can be made to feel guilty about your Earth-Murdering ways, of course.

Oh yeah, and so that you can give CarbonFund.Org as much money as you feel guilty for.

I currently “owe” them $273. Unfortunately for them, they can have my money when they kiss my hairy, pasty white bottom. I’m not exactly who made them the arbiters of relieving people of guilt, but they seem to have come to the conclusion that they are the equivalent of a Roman Catholic Confessional Booth for the world.

Proving once and for all that this is a cult religion.

Our good man Rivrdog has been writing about “Carbon Credits” on a macro scale. The trading between nations, as set up by the UN or some other international conglomeration of NGO’s is, as RD says, one of the greatest scams ever divised and stemms from one of the greatest lies ever told. The only purpose of this great-big lie and great-big scam is to accomplish the old Marxist dream of redistributing wealth.

Between nations.

This scam from places like CarbonFund.Org accomplishes somewhat of the same things, only instead of your money going to those with little wealth, it goes to organizations that abuse children with their Global Warming Death Cult rantings and, well we don’t know where the rest of it goes.

If you are one of those people with little wealth, you will not be able to afford to offset your “Carbon Footprint”. About the only alternative to being an Earth Murdering Poor Bastard or Bastardette that I can see from their webiste is to drink deeply of the Kool-Aid and voluteer. So either way, it works out for them; they either get money or free labor.

Go to their webpage and look around. Click every link you can find. Other than talking about the “Education Efforts”, CarbonFund.Org” looks to be a collection point for hard cold cash.

But no matter how cold the cash or the amount they collect, I seriously doubt that they could amass enough to stop the “Global Warming”. I mean, the money would just get warm after a while, right?

So if you do ever get a chance to walk amongst the ether-based Global Warming Death Cult true believers, please do ask them just how a person of little means is supposed to “offset the carbon footprint”.

I have and I think you’ll enjoy their answers.

They prove that not only are “Carbon Offsets” a huge scam for the rich to relieve their guilt and that once those of little means get guilt tripped in large numbers about their “need” to pay “Carbon Offsets” or be labelled as Earth Murdering Bastards the left-wing’s entire class warfare scheme is about to blow up in their face, but that these people are truly “Cultists” in every single known sense of the word.

This entry was posted in Rampant Eco Socialism, The Global Warming Death Cult. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Trading Money for Guilt

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Thanx for the linx, Phil. I apologize for not having the Part Deux on this post out by now, but I got caught up in the Glock-headspace-setback thing yesterday and this morning and I haven’t finished it.

    The subject of the next post will be my “Plan B”, which will address how the Global Warming filk need to re-examine their “science” (and how they can do that now), and if their new findings are the same as their current bastardized findings, how the nations on this planet Earth should react so that civilization can meet a warming climate and NOT have any catastrophes doing it.

  2. Kirk says:

    Hum… seeing as how they are that stupid I guess we should set up our own site and see how much we can make by selling our own carbon credits…

    The end result may actually be better. That money could go to good use buying guns and ammo.


  3. Ahab says:

    I completely agree with Kirk. I really, really wish I had thought up a scam this good, I could retire.

  4. Steve says:

    That’s hilarious, Kirk, because I thought the same thing: Wanna clear your conscience? I’ll sell you a piece of paper that says your carbon use has been offset!

    Gore’s just a member of the ruling class. Why’s that so hard to understand?!

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