It’s finally here

We told you of this day back in October. The Thermopylayen epic, 300, hits theaters this AM.


(pic borrowed from The Dane) 

Sadly, work is not yet calm enough for me to see it today as I had planned. Not quite as sadly, I’ll be going to a gun show tomorrow and will not be able to attend then either.

My target is Sunday, late morning, first matinee. We’ll see how that goes.

Since I skimped on The Soundboard yesterday, I have a couple of audio clips from the movie here for your enjoyment. I use them as custom sounds on my home PC for when I fire up or fire down the machine. I’m sure you’ve heard them before, I just figured you might like them. (Caution: they did lose a little in the transfer to wmv format)

Come and Get Them!

We will fight in the shade

While parusing the interweb on my lunch, I saw that Ace found some blithering strumpet from the online rag, Slate, named Dana Stevens whining about 300.

If 300, the new battle epic based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley, had been made in Germany in the mid-1930s, it would be studied today alongside The Eternal Jew as a textbook example of how race-baiting fantasy and nationalist myth can serve as an incitement to total war.

Yes, she actually said that, which means she had to think it first. Clearly, she is not a mentally stable individual.

I was already going to see the movie. Poor kerfluffled Dana didn’t have to go and make idiotic statements to try and incite me to do so. But hey, if it’ll get her panties in a knot if I go, than that is just a bonus.

Do take a moment to laugh at Dana’s review sometime before you step up to buy your tickets.

I’ve seen numerous right-of-center blogs talking about 300 this week. I wanted to, but for obvious reasons, I just didn’t get around to it until today.

In contrast, other than this review full of chronic BDS, I have seen nothing, zero, nada, zip, zilch, nolo, on any blog in the leftosphere. Not even a post mocking the coverage on the right wing blogs.

I hope they don’t believe that their “media silence” will be successful?

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9 Responses to It’s finally here

  1. DFWMTX says:

    The only comment -other than the one from Dana of the Groveling Hippy tribe- I’ve seen on the left side of the blogosphere was some gay guy who commented about all the hot men in 300. I’m not inclined that way, but I can see his point.

    “300” hasn’t received the same disparaging comments its inspiration, “The 300 Spartans” received. I’ve heard old hippies complaining about that movie, saying it was a propaganda recruiting tool to get kids to fight in Vietnam. You might as well say that about the whole story of the Battle of Thermopaylae, regardless of what version it is told in; some people are so cynical that any story of duty, honor, and courage to fight & die against overwhelming evil is seen by them as sinister in nature.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    PS- Actually, the Cruxshadows “Winterborn” would make a great musical accompanyment to this post.

  3. Christopher says:

    Call me a simpleton, but I thought that it was just a movie about Spartans and Persians. Silly me, it has to be a conspiricy, yeah thats it. And the 300 Spartans stand for global warming and the Persian represent the deforistation of the artic. That makes just about as much cents. Anyhoo, i am cutting work early to go see it with a bunch of work people, who half are left and half right, but I doubt that our after movie conversations will come down to a analogy of Bush and the middle east. More likely the gore and violece and how much it ruled.

  4. The Mom says:

    There was a very good review of the movie in Thursday’s Olympian. It has 31/2 stars out of 4 and I’d like to think those were given on the strength of the movie, not cause the reviewer was a macho, manly man (or whatever, see DFWMTX’s comments above), who says it is a “Manly yarn that packs in glory, sacrifice, buff men and tuff talk”.
    I’ve saved the article to give you when I see you Saturday morning on your way to the gun show.

    In anticipation of the movie release, the History Channel had an in-depth “history lesson” for us all. They did quite a good job of it.

  5. Steve says:

    “One of the few war movies I’ve seen in the past two decades that doesn’t include at least some nod in the direction of antiwar sentiment, 300 is a mythic ode to righteous bellicosity”

    I guess films are now required to genuflect at the altar of surrender.

  6. Bob1 says:

    I was clicking through a few early reviews the other day, and started reading the review in the Philadelphia Inquirer. The reviewer quickly associated the movie with President Bush and the war in Iraq, at which point I clicked elsewhere. Wankers.

  7. Christopher says:

    Saw it. Loved it. Need not say more beside go see it yourselves.

  8. Brass says:

    Phil, way off topic but I couldn’t find an e-mail address, I thought you might be interested in this guy’s blog dealing with Kali and the Philipino martial arts. Lots of good videos on knife and stick work.

  9. David says:

    Email addys are at the very top of the right-hand column.

    Not so off topic as you might think — 300 involves lots of knife and stick/spear work.

    The wife and I will be seeing it in IMAX at 11:30 tomorrow. She read the book today and can’t wait to see the movie. Neither can I….

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