Divided they fall

Right into ugly politics, 22 months before the election.

This ad made it’s debut either last week or over the weekend. Click and watch. (You Mac freaks will enjoy the sentimentality)

Yes, it features Hillary Clinton, so you may need to shield your eyes at times, but do make sure to watch the whole thing, especially the end.

Effective, eh?

If I didn’t already know that Obama was a bigger socialist than FDR and a more ardent moobat than Kucinich (aka: a typical idiot Democrat), I would definitely think of voting for him because of the ad.

When this went out, the leftists, of course, screamed high and low that this was a hit job, done by the Rethuglicans, in an attempt to make Obama look bad for going ugly this early.

Here is a quote from Vancouver, WA dipshit leftist, “stillwell” of the bastion of those who hate freedom of speech, the Northwest Progesssive Institute:

Could of been a Democrat, but it smells like a Republican hit.

He links to this SFChron article from Monday wherein Carla Marinucci, the Chronical’s “Political Writer” says this:

But he (Micah Sifry) says that the blogosphere reaction to the ad from the start also suggests that the creator is not associated with Obama’s camp. “If you look at the Obama grass roots conversation about this when the video first surfaced, they were not happy,” he said.

Chris Finnie, a Santa Cruz-based Democratic operative, said the widespread coverage given to the “mashup” in GOP circles suggests the ad could have come from a Republican operative and smacks of “Swift Boat” tactics used in 2004 against Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

“It killed two birds with one stone,” she said, by sharply attacking Clinton as being a political drone and smudging “Obama’s positioning as the ‘Mr. Clean’ of politics. This is politics as usual, and by running a smear ad that is associated with him, it puts a dent in that image.”

Throughout said editorial are numerous denials by the Obama camp that they made it, including the reference to Obama’s denials on Larry King’s show.

Which is why, surprise, surprise, that it turned out to be none other than the Internet Communications Director for Sherrod Brown and an employee of Blue State Digital, Howlin’ Howard Dean’s web crew which supplies tech to Dem campaigns, including Obama’s, but oddly enough, not Hillary’s, a guy named Phil de Vellis.

And from the left there is, surprise, surprise, near stone silence. No howls for de Vellis’ head on a plate, no apologies for false accusations, no nothing. They’re just forgetting it never happened.

Personally, I’d like to forget it all happened too. But the screaming hypocrisy is keeping me awake in bed.

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One Response to Divided they fall

  1. DFWMTX says:

    I had to breathe a sigh of relief this morning when I found out, yes, it was an Obama supporter which made the ad. We don’t need another “Swiftboated” meme stuck to conservative campaigns, especially this early.

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