The Definition of Insanity

At least according to Ben Franklin, was “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Which makes me wonder why my tax dollars are being wasted on rebuilding even a bird’s nest in New Orleans.

Many Houses Built in Areas Katrina Flooded are Not on Raised Foundations

By ones and twos, homeowners here are reinhabiting neighborhoods, even the most devastated ones, and many view their return as a triumph over adversity.

But experts involved in the rebuilding believe that the helter-skelter return of residents to this low-lying metropolis may represent another potential disaster.

After Katrina, teams of planners recommended that broad swaths of vulnerable neighborhoods be abandoned. Yet all areas of the city have at least some residents beginning to rebuild. With billions of dollars in federal relief for homeowners trickling in, more people are expected to follow.

Moreover, while new federal guidelines call for raising houses to reduce the damage of future floods, most returning homeowners do not have to comply or are finding ways around the costly requirement, according to city officials.

If these people hadn’t been given a dime of federal money, you know and I know that they wouldn’t be doing the wrong thing. As it is, they saw one check from FEMA and known that if anything happens, they’ll see another one.

It is a learned behavior.

And that isn’t even the worst news

Study: Louisiana Slipping Slowly into the Gulf

A new report by scientists studying Louisiana’s sinking coast says the land here is not just sinking, it’s sliding ever so slowly into the Gulf of Mexico.

That city and area needs to be completely abandoned. I don’t even believe in the myths taught by the “Global Warming Death Cult” and I know that there will be another hurricane and that will hit New Orleans in my lifetime.

Why can’t these metal midgets figure that out?

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2 Responses to The Definition of Insanity

  1. AughtSix says:

    Eh… there needs to be a port rather close to where NO is to take ag-products, etc., off of river barges and onto ocean going barges. (And load up river barges with all sorts of imported goodies) That port facility needs a city to exist, again, generally near NO. (Ocean vessles can’t go up river much more, all the less so because of bridges) The economies of a bunch of midwestern states (and to a lesser extent the US economy) really are dependent on a port at or near NO. However, this is all the more reason why the fedgov should butt out. There are lots of folks who ought to be paying for the rebuilding/taking on the risk: importer/exporters, midwestern farmers, shipping companies, and all the auxiliary services that go along with them. None of them will, however, if they don’t have to.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    Well, you have to realize the libs want the fed.gvt. to subsidize the rebuilding mostly because the people of New Orleans (not other parts of Louisiana, Mississipi, or the rest of the Gulf Coast) are VICTIMS. Not only are they victims of hurricane Katrina, but they’re victims of Bush, and victims of racism and classism. And of course victims must be compensated, for in liberal philosophy, all problems can be solved by throwing money at them, even if plenty of money has already been thrown at the problem and it still hasn’t been corrected.

    :::spits taste of liberal-speak out of mouth::::

    Also people are arguing that the fed.gvt. should subsidize the rebuilding of N.O. because it’s such a cultural landmark. Well, so is almost every major city in the US that’s existed for over 300 years, big freakin’ deal there. The shouldn’t be forced to fund the rebuilding of N.O. simply because of culture; the local tourism and arts & entertainment industry should help do their share, as restoring the city’s culture benefits their respective industries. If anything, it should be local and state gvts that fund the rebuilding. However, this won’t happen because of the corruption in Louisiana government which has already soaked up and drained away funds that should be used for the rebuilding.

    Regarding the actual construction of some of the rebuilt homes, if they’re not meeting guidelines, then they should receive no gov. or insurance money when/if the next storm hit. It’s the Biblical parable of the house build on sand vs. the house built on the rock (literally); the one with the sturdier foundation will survive the storm.

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