Fred Thompson for President!

thompson_big.jpgNo, he’s not running (yet). But savvy observers are noting he’s keeping his name recognition up there.

I have absolutely no idea of his position on RKBA issues, except that he couldn’t possibly have been elected to the Senate from Tennessee without being 2nd Amendment-friendly. UPDATE:  I guess he was on the NRA’s Winning Team at one point, so that settles that.

As noted in the link, he’d sure be a better choice than the flip-flopper, the closet liberal, or that other guy who won’t win the nomination. Read the whole thing if you don’t recognize those three gentlemen.

Could he beat Hillary? Yeah, I think he could.


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5 Responses to Fred Thompson for President!

  1. I’ve been saying that for a while!

    On the intangibles side, he’s great-tons of people already know his face (thank you, Law & Order), and, especially in that character, he’s got that gruff, strict persona going on that fits perfectly for the ‘national Dad’ that so many Americans want the Pres to be.

    Thompson/Rice 2008!

  2. Army of Dad says:

    I would vote for him a hell of lot more readily than any of those three.

  3. Given the choices, it’s time the Right said Fred.


  4. Sailorcurt says:

    Right now, Jim Gilmore has my support but it’s a bit grudging.

    If Fred throws his hat into the ring, I’ll be behind him immediately and with great enthusiasm. He impressed the hell out of me as a Senator.

    He is exactly the kind of straight talking, stick to your principles kind of guy that the vast majority of Americans WISH we had more of in politics.

    Please Fred, your country needs you.

  5. DirtCrashr says:

    He’s got my vote over the McCain-Mutiny, or the Anti-Gun East-CoastBaggage-Wagon Drooliani, or the Mormon…

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