
Israel into NATO

It is neither “North” or “Atlantic”


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7 Responses to Discuss

  1. AughtSix says:

    It’s one step closer to the Tom Clancy world where Russia is hastily brought into NATO so we can go kick some Chinese butt with our high-tech weapons and broadcast it live to the Chinese population. And peace and harmony results. At least, until Clancy’s next book. (Or maybe that’s the last one, chronologically)

    Sounds good to me.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    Is not Italy part of NATO? It’s a country without access to the North Atlantic, so why not let Israel into NATO as it shares this same lack of access to the Gulf Stream that Italy and other NATO allies have.

  3. -B says:

    I think aughtsix has it right. It’s a diplomatic manuveur to help stave off, or attempt it anyway, the aggression of Iran. It’s probably a good move, if it does nothing other than shuffle some paper. It might make a few other countries who are willing partners of Iran take a second look at the issue, since they will not want to get ostracized if anything should, you know, actually happen.

    My personal feelings about the situation are rather neutral, but I have a firm belief that the hardliners in Iran really do want to do in Israel, and that Israel does have a right and duty to defend herself.

    Six, I believe the book was the Bear and the Dragon? I read it several years ago, and rather liked it, though like all Clancy novels it was a bit on the long side.

  4. EricWS says:

    Sorry about that open tag. I thought I had closed it. >

  5. AughtSix says:

    Yup, that’s the book. Of course, I thought the books were all too short as I had an unfortunate habit of staying up all night in college to finish one once I’d started it, then mutter to myself that the book was now done. (At least I was reading paperbacks… I’d be pissed if a $30 hard cover only lasted about 10 hours from purchase to completion)

  6. Billll says:

    They’re north of the equator, and the atlantic is only a short trip from Haifa. Why not? They’d be one of the very few NATO members with a credible military.

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