I’m very excited about this

“We Democrats are just, well, confused,” Obama writes. He goes on. “Mainly, though, the Democratic Party has become the party of reaction. In reaction to a war that is ill-conceived, we appear suspicious of all military action.

“In reaction to those who proclaim the market can cure all ills, we resist efforts to use market principles to tackle pressing problems. In reaction to religious overreach, we equate tolerance with secularism, and forfeit the moral language that would help infuse our policies with a larger meaning.”

That was Barak Hussein Obama in his book.

The reason I’m so excited is that I say those things every single day.

Maybe I’ll be the next person of insignificance they’ll be talking about being the front runner for President in 2008!?!

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2 Responses to I’m very excited about this

  1. Steve says:

    Barack should be named ’08 Presidential contender of the year for 2006.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    I think that the biggest problem that the (D)onks generally, and Barak Obama in particular have to overcome, is that the books these people write bear zero relationship to the work (?) that they do as politicians. That paragraph taken from Obama’s book was written for just the purpose you suspect: to make him look like a thinking libertarian, if not right-wing.

    That’s “Barak in theory”. The theory has never proven out, as all his political action furthers the development of Socialism here in the US, and that political theory cannot be reconciled with libertarianism.

    Take Al Gore on the environment. The “science” in all his enviro books is all entirely refutable, and he’s supposed to be scientific: that is, open to challenge of his theory. He’s far from it, raving at anyone who dares say that his theory doesn’t meet the proper tests of a tested hypothesis.

    Nope, there are book Democrats, then there are Democrats. They live in different universes, and they aren’t even parallel universes.

    To be fair, I’d have to say two things: first, I don’t spend much time delving into the writings of politicians, I delve into their political records. And all of this disembling in books is probably just as true of GOP pols who write them.

    And I think that the pols know it. I think that they write these books as a pro-forma thing because they think that running for major office requires it. Then they have their staff people explain to anyone who gives a shot, that such and such a paragraph really DIDN’T mean that I was a libertarian.

    Politics is all about words and images, not about the truth. Never has been, never will be.

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