Head Up Ass

And got the hammer down.

I speak of the City Council of Beaverton, OR.

The Beaverton City Council on Monday night signaled support for a ban on replica guns in public places, with one councilor urging city staff to make it even tougher.

Councilor Betty Bode said she thought the ordinance should grant a 30-day grace period, not 60 days, and that offenders should have their replica weapons taken away.

“I see it as a very gentle step,” Bode said. “I’d like to see it tightened up.”

I’m sure I can guess where he’d like to step next.

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2 Responses to Head Up Ass

  1. DFWMTX says:

    “Liberals want to take your toy guns away” should become a new meme, as well as “Hillary Clinton wants to take your virtual guns away by banning mature video games”.

    They can have my copy of Grand Theft Auto when they pry it from my cold dead hands.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    This is part of a very disturbing trend among police forces, at least here in this region.

    Chief Bishop of the BPD leads the local gun-grabbing COP’s with this nonsense, which is simply more attempts to legislate against behaviors and things that the po-leece consider dangerous TO THEM, NOT THE PUBLIC.

    Technically, we still have open carry in Oregon, but ALL the Chiefs and Sheriffs have seen to it that such carry is verboten in their cities and counties. My county got away with making an ordinance requiring detailed dis-assembly for transport of any “assault weapon”, and they are discribed rather loosely in the ordinance. It isn’t currently enforced, but it’s on the books.

    The Chiefs seem to have this fanatical pursuit of officer safety that tells them that anything and any behavior that could ever cause a threat to any officer must be made illegal, regardless of what the Constitutional guidance on it is.

    The fact, of course, that no officer has ever been harmed by a toy gun is irrelevant to them. The fact that said Chiefs aren’t properly training their officers to recognize toy guns or “suicide by cop” behavior and respond appropriately is irrelevant to them and their sycophant City and County Councils.

    THIS is the REAL danger to the gun-owning public, being forced into a corner by these gun-haters and do-gooders, none of whom have taken the time to logically evaluate their thinking before forcing it down our throats.

    I was a cop for thirty years, and I pinned on the badge knowing full well that it was a dangerous job. I trained myself as best I could to reduce the danger to myself. I NEVER thought of or advocated for any laws to force the public to conform to my idea of personal safety. The one opportunity I had to righteously kill a perp who was trying to draw a weapon on me, I passed on. It was obvious to me that he had gotten the weapon stuck in his waistbant and couldn’t get it out, and instead of killing him (which would have endangered nearby officers anyway), we just jumped him and kicked his ass severely. I was disappointed when the judge said he was drunk, didn’t know what he was doing, exonerated him and gave him his gun back, but I lived with it.

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