Today’s Outrage

As is well known, the left would be nowhere if they weren’t something to be outraged over, and today is no different (and neither was yesterday).

Today’s outrage is focused on Mitt Romney. It seems that GLBT activists are outraged that he cut the funding for suicide hotlines which were focused towards GLBT youths. (Caution: A reader has warned me that there are ads/pics at this link that may require you to read “Alphabet of Manliness” on the can to wipe them from your memory)

Hmmm, I’m thinking about the ‘marriage’ debate. “For Me, But Not For Thee” is what the GLBT community is outraged over. Yet, with this issue, they want to claim that there is a difference between persons of the GLBT persuasion and everyone else.

If you click on the above link, you can see that the first commentor posted this exact same question; Why can’t the GLBT folks use the regular suicide hotline? Watch what happens.

If there was only one standard, life would be too easy.

I don’t like Romney, I don’t trust him on firearms and I don’t trust him to not get the country swallowed up by some twisted healthcare scheme. But his ending of special programs for the GLBT community, which demands to be treated “The Same as Everyone Else”, was a good thing, even by their own stated standards.

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3 Responses to Today’s Outrage

  1. Petey says:

    Great, now those sidebar images are going to haunt my periphial. Warn us of those links. I’m going to be deep in thought on the can when a flicker of memory reminds me that it took me 20 seconds to recognize that the mostly nude photos had little to do with the topic. I’m going to have to re-read the “Alphabet of Manliness” (on the can), now.

  2. Phil says:

    Sorry Petey. I ignore everything on left-wing sites except for the text. Even the mainstream sites have some NSFW doozies.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    Mitt Romney is going to have a hard time explaining how he managed to play footsie with the most diehard liberals in the nation for 8 years, and let them pass most of what they wanted in the way of new gun controls and their stupid socialized medicine program.

    He’s left of “log-cabin” GOP.

    We don’t need him.

    I’d rather take a chance on a real centrist Democrat.

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